Functions That Do Not Return a Value 03/09/11
Reminders Quiz 3 Friday Work with partner on for-loop activity. Work with partner on for-loop activity. pp pp
void Functions We have written functions that return a value. Can write functions that don't return anything. ch5/circle1.cpp instructions( ) function prints, but doesn't return a value. instructions( ) function prints, but doesn't return a value.
void functions start with "void" return statement w.o. value return statement is optional A call to the function stands alone as statement.
void functions function could be passed value starSqWhile.cpp Has a void function to print square of asterisks Has a void function to print square of asterisks Nested loop Nested loop
Linux Redirection a.out < dataIn.txt a.out > dataOut.txt Pipeline One process gets output of previous One process gets output of previous
For Next Monday Read pp Tables, , do- while. Also nested loops.