Page 1 Fundamental Physics at NASA: Two Critical Issues & Fairbank's Principle Presentation for the From Quantum to Cosmos by Francis Everitt 22 May 2006
Page 2 Space & Fundamental Physics l Definition by addition, not by exclusion l Observations vs. controlled experiment u Many observational missions fundamental to physics (e.g. COBE, WMAP) u BUT, in addition, space opens new pathways to EXPERIMENTS impossible on Earth l This presentation u Some examples, 2 'quests' & 3 'campaigns' u 8 ways in which space enables physics experiments u Special technical challenges l Crisis at NASA a double crisis for Fundamental Physics M. Jacob's principle – When facing budget cuts, don't cut programs, enlarge your advocacy base
Page 3 Testing Einstein – NASA’s Contributions Gravity Probe B Two new effects with ultra-accurate gyroscopes Laser Ranging: to reflectors on Moon (1968+) The Gravity Probe A clock experiment (1976) Radar Time Delay: to Viking Lander on Mars (1976) to Cassini spacecraft around Saturn (1999+)
Page 4 Condensed Matter Experiments in Microgravity Confined Helium Experiment - USMP-4, STS 87 11/97 Lambda Point Experiment - USMP-1, STS-52 10/92 Critical Viscosity of Xenon TAS-1, STS 85 8/97
Page 5 Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) AMS seen from MIR, June 4, 1998 Flown on Discovery STS-91, June 1998
Page 6 The 1999 NASA Fundamental Physics Roadmap I 2 Quests & 3 Campaigns
Page 7 Missions identified for The 1999 NASA Fundamental Physics Roadmap II
Page 8 The 1999 NASA Advisory Council Recommendation: Background l A Longstanding General Concern Divided Responsibilities: Code S (Office of Space Sciences) Code U (Microgravity/OBPR) u 1980: Code S: "Strategy for Gravitational Physics in the 1980s" [NRC Space Science Board (SSB) Report] u 1988: Codes S & U: Space Science in the Twenty-First Century, Imperatives for the Decades 1995 to 2015, vol. 5: Fundamental Physics & Chemistry [SSB Report] u 1990: Code S Ad Hoc Committee on Gravitational Physics u 1993: Code U Research Announcement NRA 93-0SSA-12 Microgravity Sciences for Physics Missions u 1997: Code U Fundamental Physics Discipline Working Group l The 1999 Roadmap, an Integrated Overview
Page 9 Extract from letter NAC resolution: The 1999 NAC Recommendation: Extracts Aug Meeting; Oct 15, 1999 letter from NAC Chair to NASA Administrator
Page 10 NASA Response to NAC Recommendation I Problem Solved: a "home room" provided -- or was it?...
Page 11 Code S: Cosmic Physics Tests of fundamental laws relevant to astrophysics and cosmology, e.g. gravitational physics, general relativity, equivalence principle, early universe physics, high energy physics. Code U: Laboratory Physics Low temperature physics, condensed matter physics and more general fundamental physics experiments requiring microgravity …alas, a House still divided NASA Response to NAC Recommendation II
Page 12 Code U Outcome: Katrina & Confusion Katrina: The Demolition of Code U Fundamental Physics FY '00 Appropriations Request -- $10 M for Code U Fundamental Physics Enthusiastic response by Mr. Walsh Inadvertently appropriated to Code S…. & diverted elsewhere Confusion: Outcome of a breakfast, Congressman Mollohan's Question build up for atomic clocks LTMPF completion
Page 13 Code S Outcome: A Question of Fit STEP Debriefing, 3 July 2002: Two insightful responses from Paul Hertz u Issue posed: "NASA has a declared interest in Fundamental Physics in a way it didn't 5 to 7 years ago." Response: "It has now but I'm not sure it didn't 5 to 7 years ago. Still there is a hurdle for a single physics experiment in a culture that looks to observatories." u Issue posed: "All Fundamental Physics experiments require substantial technology development – e.g. cryogenics, clocks, particle detection – what is the mechanism for technology development within NASA?" Response: "We are not managing technology development well. There is another division of NASA with technology money but this is not managed to meet out technology goals." A ray of light…. George Komar appointment as Deputy Associate Administrator for Technology (Acting)
Page 14 The Way Forward – Fairbank's Principle Fairbank's Principle – Disaster compels creative thought l Thinking Straight about Fundamental Physics in Space u 8 ways to great missions u NASA's need for new science u The European (& Asian) connection l Allies & Actions u Allies: Space Studies Board; House Science Committee; COSPAR; President's Science Advisor; within NASA u Actions: High level presentation to SSB: Chu, Osheroff, Phillips, Taylor, Ting Meeting with NASA Administrator Learning the culture of Capitol Hill
Page 15 A Multiplicity of Opportunity Above the AtmosphereOptical reference, γ-rays, particle physics (AMS) Remote BenchmarksLunar ranging, radar transponder on Mars Large DistancesLISA, ASTROD, LATOR Reduced Gravity [including drag-free] Condensed matter, laser cooling, GP-B, LISA, STEP Quieter seismicallyEspecially LISA & STEP Varying φGP-A, SUMO Varying gSTEP Separation of effectsas in GP-B choice of orbit