Kyushu University Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering Department of Advanced Information Technology Supervisor: Professor Koji Okamura. Name: Othman Othman M.M. 1
Outline: 1. Goal. 2. Current Technologies. 3. Limitations of Current Technologies. 4. Anycast Scenario 5. BitTorrent (P2P) Scenario. 6. Advantages of Combining Technologies. 7. How to Combine Technologies. 8. Applications. 1. Popular Large File Distribution. 2. P2P construction. 9. Conclusion. 10. Q&A. 2
1-Goal: Nowadays many Future Internet researches, technologies going. OpenFlow is one of candidate Future Internet technologies. to create Circuit based like systems. To support mobility, computing centers …… Important to show new ways to use OpenFlow to provide new services or improve current ones. Important to show new ways to use OpenFlow to provide new services or improve current ones. That make use of OpenFlow capabilities other than circuit like. That make use of OpenFlow capabilities other than circuit like. To have contents with high availability. To have contents with high availability. 3
2-Current Technologies: Anycast: Multiple nodes with the same address (Sa). Packet sent to (Sa) will be delivered to the node with nearest location. 4 Peer to Peer: clients to provide service Depends on user clients to provide service. application layer overlay Implements an application layer overlay network. Fig 2. BitTorrent Source : Sa Fig 1. Anycast
3-Limitations of Current Technologies: Anycast: All of the content servers must have identical contents. Lacks the flexibility, and not dynamic. 5 Peer to Peer: Overhead because of overlay nature, protocol, peer discovery, and looking up in index. Service depends on user’s contribution Router 1 Router 2 Router 3 Router 4 Destination Next-Hop Distance Cont 1 Cont 2 Cont 3 Cont n Cont 1 Cont 2 Cont 3 Cont n Fig 2. BitTorrent Source : com/bittorrent2.htm
4-Anycast Scenario: Cont 1 Cont 2 Cont 3 Cont n Cont 1 Cont 2 Cont 3 Cont n Cont 1 Cont 2 Cont 3 Cont n Client will send packet to Network will choose end node based on routing measures
5-BitTorrent (P2P) Scenario: 7 Tracker 100% Seeder 100% Seeder 70% 30% 0%
6-Advantages of Combining Technologies 1/3 : Anycast. Content Centric Networks. Peer to Peer. Combination of those technologies: Users contributing in service: to improve the availability, and improves the overall use of bandwidth in whole network. Regular Client/Server User contribution In Content Anycasting
6-Advantages of Combining Technologies 2/3 : Anycast. Content Centric Networks. Peer to Peer. Combination of those technologies: Choosing destination by network: to remove the burden of finding destination and thus a faster response. Tracker Tracker Role in BitTorrent Choosing Destination By Network In Content Anycasting Content Server OpenFlow Router
6-Advantages of Combining Technologies 3/3 : Anycast. Content Centric Networks. Peer to Peer. Combination of those technologies: Content ID: to have more flexibility down to the level of contents rather than the node level. Using Content ID In Content Anycasting Content Server Decision based on: IP address. Content ID. Decision based on: IP address. Content ID. Regular Content Server Decision based on: IP address. sometimes port# Decision based on: IP address. sometimes port# OpenFlow Router
7-How to Combine Technologies: Content anycasting does its rule by using: OpenFlow for the process of choosing the destination, along with the aid of the content server. A new procedure for requesting content is introduced to enable the clients to get the contents. 11 Content Server Client A Anycast Manager Client B Su Au Bu Get Content ID form URL Content ID = X, in URL To: Su Cont id=X To: Au Cont id=X Redirection Req. Threshold reached Redirection OpenFlow Router
7-How to Combine Technologies: The new procedure for getting the content: Phase 1: getting the content ID. (e.g.: from the URL). Phase2: using the content ID in Probe protocol. Phase 3: getting file via TCP. Fig 1: Procedure for getting content (Hand shake of the Probe Protocol) New Client OpenFlow router Current Client Destination: serverIP :START Destination: CurrentClientIP :START START/ACK With CurrentClientIP in the probe header ACK / ACK Destination: CurrentClientIP TCP Session Phase 2 Phase 3
7-How to Combine Technologies: Headers of the Probe protocol 13 Fig2: Probe Protocol Header Fig1: UDP Header
8- Applications: Characterized by large number of users, and long time sessions. 14 Popular Large File Distribution: Popular: many users. Large file: long session. Content Anycast can: reduce the load on server. Aiding P2P network: e.g.: live video of a sport show. Popular: many users. Long time session. Content Anycast can: Reduce user start-up time. Reduce load on server or management entity.
8-1: App1 : Popular Large File Distribution: Example of use. 15 Fig 1: installing redirections Fig 2: requesting content; phase2 Fig 3: requesting content; phase3
9-App1 : Popular Large File Distribution: Evaluation: Using simple simulator, built using Java. Simulates a network with 5 areas (5 networks); Content Anycast: use only one server. Regular Anycast: 5 replica servers each in one network. Measure the server load : number of connections the server serves. Shows that : 100% Regular Client server: single server load is 100% (one server for all) 20% Regular anycast: each server out of 5 load is 20%. 20% Content Anycast : single server load is 50%,33%, 25% and 20% respectively for case of client can serve 1, 2, 3, 4 other clients. 16
8-1: App1 : Popular Large File Distribution: Evaluation: 17 Content Anycast can achieve same load as regular anycast but using only one server instead of 5. Content Anycast can achieve same load as regular anycast but using only one server instead of 5.
8-2: App2: P2P construction: Regular P2P network. To join the network the client must follow steps: locate arrange 1. locate the peer to contact, and arrange with management entity. 2. Contact 2. Contact that peer to get content. This is done by asking the management entity (e.g. tracker) about which peer to contact to and receive its reply. 18 Fig 1: Steps for Getting Content in regular P2P
8-2: App2: P2P construction: Using Content Anycast in P2P network. To join the network the client must follow steps: locateContact 1. locate the peer to contact, and Contact that peer to get content. 2. Report and arrange 2. Report and arrange with the management entity. This is done by using preinstalled redirection on the network. 19 Fig 1: Steps for Getting Content in Content Anycast P2P
8-2: App2: P2P construction: Example of use. 20 Fig 1: installing redirections Fig 2: requesting content; phase2 Fig 3: requesting content; phase3
8-2: App2: P2P construction: Evaluation: start-up time To evaluate start-up time: Count the number of hops that the client request travels across the network + hops reply travels. 21 Content Anycast, average hops = 5. Regular P2P, average hops = 14. Content Anycast has a lower hop count due to using pre- installed redirections that lead request to peer in same network.
8-2: App2: P2P construction: Evaluation: To evaluate serve/management entity load. To evaluate serve/management entity load. Generate flash crowds periodically every 100 cycle. Count the number of peer quivery requests received by the server/ management entity. Content Anycast has a lower load due to using pre-installed redirections that lead request to peer in same network rather than the server. 22 Server load limit
9- Conclusion: New mechanism for requesting content is designed to enable content anycasting. Using the content id in the process of getting the content. A Probe protocol is designed (modification to UDP) to be used. Simulation shows that Content anycast can reduce load match reduction of the regular anycast only one server reduce load to match reduction of the regular anycast (under some conditions) using only one server. On simulation scenario: 80% reduction in number of servers. shorter start-up time less load construct P2P network that has shorter start-up time and less load on the management entity/ server. On simulation scenario: 74% reduction in number of hops needed to get contents. 23
Study Plan: Approximate timeEvent April ~ May / 2011 Submit journal paper of master course research May/2011 ~ September/2012 Studying first and second stages ~September/2011Submit to Conference for stage one ~January/2012 Submit to journal paper for stage one ~February / 2012 Submit to Conference for stage two ~May/2012 Submit to Conference for stage two ~July/2012 Submit to journal paper for stage two October/2012 ~ September/2013 Further improve of stage one and two. ~ March / 2013 Submit to conference for stages one and two. ~ December/2013Finish writing Thesis 24 Goals: Propose protocols and mechanisms to be implemented to Future Internet to enable inter and intra network management of flows. Use them to create a smarter and self- organized network.
10- Q&A: Thank you for listening. 25