1 Controllers-system for APS – CubeSat nano-satellite Instructor: Daniel Alkalay Students: Moshe Emmer & Meir Harar Technion – Israel Institute of Technology Department of Electrical Engineering High Speed Digital Systems Lab Presentation Part A
2 Agenda Project Goals Architecture/Interface Progress So Far –Re-Defining part A goal –Implementation –Further achievements What next.. Schedule
3 Project Goals APS – Cubesat is a Multidisciplinary project. It involves AE and EE disciplines. AE provide: Mission design, Orbital design, Systems architecture, Attitude control, choosing sensors, actuators and Mechanical design. AE will provide System design and algorithms. Our goal is to implement OBC (On Board Controllers) - H/W and S/W. Algorithms implemented include: Attitude-control, power management, Telemetry and RF communications systems.
4 CubeSat - Architecture / Interface SA I/F & Bat C/D- Control Battery Attitude System Sensors & actuators Magneto-meter מד שמש Rate Gyro מגנטו-טורקרים Engines Sensors Actuators Accurate Positioning System שעון אטומי APS & TLM TransCeiver Power Distribution Over-current control TLM TT+C Attitude Control On-Board Controllers uBlaze + pBlaze + State-Machines Power Control Telemetry S&AI/FS&AI/F Payload TLM
5 Progress So Far Re-Defining part A goal - Create a design, using MicroBlaze soft processor, that will implement a communication protocol between O.B.C and external host PC (Using Hyper terminal). The design will be divided into two parts: Hardware – building system architecture using available busses, peripherals IP’s etc’ Software – implementing a small C program and translate it into MicroBlaze target using EDK and available IP’s
6 Progress So Far - Implementation Using MicroBlaze Processor on Spartan 3 board Defining a task – Calculator, operated by an external User Defining and exploring I/O method – UartLite.
7 UART Lite A module that attaches to the OPB. One transmit and one receive channel (full duplex). 16-character transmit FIFO and 16-character receive FIFO. Configurable baud rate. Parameters:
8 Progress So Far - Hardware Microblaze_0 BRAM_0 I-LMB Cntrl D-LMB Cntrl UART RS -232 OPB I-LMB D-LMB … DIP_Switches_8Bit Led_7SEGMENT Push_Buttons_3Bit LEDs_8Bit OPB Tested and studied, not included in design Tested and studied - included in design L.M.B – Local Memory Bus Peripherals – OPB IP’s
9 Progress So Far - Software Locating and exploring building blocks for the design (Functions) Creating headers files, in which all relevant functions defined Implementing a main.c code, executing a calculator Task. static void DisplayAnswer(int Answer) { Xboolean Negative = XFALSE; /* * If a negative answer, send the absolute value * the LEDs */ if (Answer < 0) { Negative = XTRUE; Answer = Answer * (-1); /* abs value of negative */ } XGpio_mSetDataReg(LEDS_BASEADDR, 1, Answer); DisplaySegments(Answer, Negative); case '+': Answer=Operand1+Operand2; break; case '-': Answer=Operand1-Operand2; break; case '*': Answer=Operand1*Operand2; break; default: printf("Error\n"); break; Out of main.cOut of calc.c
10 Progress So Far - Architecture Studying and exploring new techniques in order to enable a simultaneous 2-task execution (using two microprocessors). Learning and adopting the usage of Fast Simplex Link, a shared bus for two different microprocessors. Embracing a new board, Virtex-II-Pro, ML310 and implementing a design that includes all.
11 Progress So Far - The new ML310 board Virtex-II Pro DDR DIMM PCI Slots Parallel, Serial, USB & Ethernet ports ALi SB
12 Progress So Far - ML310 peripherals LCD Connected directly to the FPGA Can be operated using the PowerPC (C/C++) only. Useful functions : LCDInit : Initialize the LCD before it can be operated. LCDWrite : Write data to the LCD. LCDCls : Clear the LCD Screen. LEDS Can be operated using both the PowerPC (C/C++) or the FPGA alone (VHDL/VERILOG) Useful Commands in EDK : XGpio_mSetDataDirection(BaseAddress,1,0x ); Set the I/O device with BaseAddress as output (0). XGpio_mSetDataReg(BaseAddress, 1, data); Write data to the I/O device with BaseAddress.
13 Progress So Far - FSL (Fast Simplex Link) Bus A uni-directional point-to-point FIFO-based communication
14 Progress So Far - FSL (Fast Simplex Link) Bus Microblaze_0 Microblaze_1
15 Progress So Far - FSL (Fast Simplex Link) Bus Up to 8 master and slave FSL interfaces are available on the MicroBlaze soft processor. Supports both synchronous and asynchronous FIFO modes – allows the master and slave side of the FSL to clock at different rates. Provides an external control bit for annotating data being transmitted – can be used by the slave side interface for multiple purposes. For example, use the bit to indicate the start or end of the transmission of a frame. We used this bus to transfer data between two soft processors implemented on the same chip Technical Features FSL_a Master_aSlave_b Master_b Slave_a FSL_b Microblaze_0 Microblaze_1
16 Schedule Convert AE’s C code to fixed-point and integrate it into our system. (2 weeks) Ramp-up on Virtex-IV. (1 weeks) FSM – study and implement (temperature sensors management). (2 weeks) CubeSat architecture – definition & specifications. (1-2 weeks) Implement AE’s algorithms into our architecture – convergence. (4 weeks)