Workshop on Sustainable Models for University-based Scholarly Publishing 523 Butler June 1, Butler June 1, 2004
Purpose to explore financially sustainable and effective approaches to scholarly communications for and by higher education to identify shared interests to facilitate multi-campus collaborations
Atkinson, Ross. “Library Functions, Scholarly Communication, and the Foundation of the Digital Library: Laying Claim to the Control Zone,” Library Quarterly 66 (July 1996), A Penetrating Observation
Who is the Decision Maker?
Whose objectives are not being met? What are the actual and potential resources? What is the environment (political, technical, legal, etc. in which the solution must operate? Criteria
Define the Problem
Higher education has a compelling need to reassert its control over scholarly publishing and also has the technical means for doing so.
We need to work on the financial, cultural and political issues.
That’s our task today!
We’ve assembled some of the best and brightest for this Workshop to tackle these issues!