Fall 2010
Allocation & Re-Allocation Process Financial Paperwork/Forms New for Reminders
… already happened (held at the end of each semester; approximately 10 days) Clubs initially request funds for upcoming events
Allocations have been reviewed by the Financial Board and the Director of Student Activities, and returned to Club Mailboxes (Located in the Council of Clubs Room) Not all late and/or incomplete Allocations were reviewed last semester. If you are unsure of whether or not your Allocation has been reviewed, please contact me as soon as possible
Submit TWO copies: -1 hard copy with all of the appropriate signatures to the CFO Mailbox in the SGA Office (SC347) -1 electronic copy (sent to Excel documents can be found on the Club Flashdrive or on iLearn (Clubs/Organizations → Resources →Financial Guides)
EVENT DESCRIPTIONS SHOULD BE AS SPECIFIC AS POSSIBLE! (Date, time, place, unit costs, expected # of attendees, etc.) More instructions (including complete guidelines which indicate what can and cannot be allocated for) are available in the “Financial Handbook,” the document’s cover page, and on the Clubs/Organizations iLearn site
… is happening now! (held during the actual semester) Clubs are given a second opportunity to acquire funds which were included in the original allocation, but not approved by the Financial Board
Please read the Financial Board’s comments and re-allocate accordingly Use the handout from the iLearn site for complete list of steps (“How to fill out an Allocation Budget”) if you need help with the form. You can also contact any member of the Financial Board Emergency Allocations: KEY WORD- “EMERGENCY”
If your club did not submit a budget during Allocation period, it MAY be considered during Re-Allocation period, at the discretion of the Financial Board A letter explaining the reasons for not submitting an Allocation last semester or requesting a meeting with the Financial Board will be helpful in order to obtain funds SPORTS CLUBS, don’t worry if you are still unsure of how much money you have been given- you will be updated by McCann Staff as soon as more information is available
The following forms can be found in the SGA Office: Petty Cash Check Request Purchase Order
Used for requests $50 and UNDER Can be used in advance of purchase or as reimbursement following purchase
Used for requests OVER $50 Can be used in advance of purchase or as reimbursement following purchase Circle the type of request it is at the top of the form
Used for ordering supplies or services rendered Requests for purchase orders must be made prior to the items being purchased Payment goes directly to supplier
Also found in the SGA Office Marist College has a contract with Sodexho- you MUST contact them for your catering needs first since they have “first rights of refusal” Food may be purchased elsewhere if… a) Sodexho cannot match the competitor’s price after a separate quote/invoice has been presented b) Permission from a Catering Manager is given THIS POLICY WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED
Student Activity Fee (Paid in tuition, must be used in the same fiscal year!) SPEND YOUR MONEY! (Failure to hold planned events will result in a notification to Club Affairs and future penalties) Money in the accounts will not necessarily carry forward… so you MUST spend all leftover money prior to the end of the year!!! THIS IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT
Plan ahead in order to avoid scheduling conflicts and meet deadlines ( A “Check Processing Schedule” is posted in the SGA Office and on the Business Office Website) Remember to fill out an event evaluation (club website) form after it takes place Changes in spending intentions must be approved by the Financial Board (send an well in advance)
Checks must be made payable to Marist College Do not hold onto cash or checks Checks are preferable over cash Deposit Hours: Business Office……………….…..…Weekdays 8:00AM-4:00PM College Activities…………….....…Weekends and after 4:00PM
Remember to read the “Club Tip Tuesday” and be aware of important dates and deadlines Use a tax exempt form from College Activities and present it at the time of purchase (only works for in-state purchases) Do not use a credit card! YOU WILL NOT BE REIMBURSED!
Turn in all receipts and paperwork as soon as possible! (Attach original copies to the Petty Cash Slip/Check Request) Make copies of your receipts!!! Keep accurate records and KNOW YOUR ACCOUNT BALANCE!
Complete a Re-Allocation Budget if necessary Begin preparing for your club’s transition Feel free to me at with any questions or
Mondays :00PM-4:00PM Tuesdays :00PM-4:00PM Thursdays :00PM-4:00PM