Exploring the Grassroots Political Perspective Nicholas Perry Citizen Outreach Canvass Director Grassroots Campaigns Inc.
Outline Personal Story Modern Political Context Explore the Questions: – Are there solutions from the top? – Are there alternatives? One Example: Grassroots Campaigns Inc.
Modern Political Context Historic Challenges – Climate crisis and peak oil – A global economic crisis – 45 million Americans live without health insurance, and 50 million more are underinsured. – Loss of basic civil liberties and human rights – 10 million children dying needlessly every year from preventable or treatable illnesses worldwide
Modern Political Context Are the solutions from the top? – The President – The Bureaucracy – Congress – State Governments – General Institutionalized Structures A very complicated question…
Modern Political Context Recent Administration’s Accomplishments – Overturn Ban on Stem Cell Research – American Re-investment and Recovery Act – Announced closing of Guantanamo Bay – Allowed States to Regulate Emissions – Timetable for military withdrawal from Iraq – Expand State Children’s Health Care programs – Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act
Modern Political Context Announced Presidential Budget – Three Pillars: Energy, Health Care, and Education – ex. Cap and Trade Proposal The budget proposes to support clean energy development with a 10-year investment of US $15 billion per year, generated from the sale of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions credits. The proposed cap-and-trade program, all GHG emissions credits would be auctioned off, generating an estimated $78.7 billion in additional revenue in FY 2012, steadily increasing to $83 billion by FY 2019.
Modern Political Context Significant Backlash – Businesses from startups to global giants to drugmakers and farmers are lining up to fight this plan with ad campaigns and public protests – "There's a lot of activity as people gird their loins for these battles." – says longtime Washington lobbyist Patrick E. O'Donnell, who represents defense contractors, potential bank bailout recipients, and insurance companies
The Grassroots Perspective Historic opportunity to combine the leadership in Washington with a mobilized citizen base Movement and progress are not inevitable “Change takes work”
Grassroots Campaigns Inc. Grassroots Campaigns is a national organization that designs and runs face-to-face field campaigns to support progressive organizations and causes. Our basic mission is to build long term movements for political change, train activists, and empower citizens. We launched our operations during the 2004 Presidential election, signing up hundreds of thousands of new contributors for the Democratic National Committee and running a highly successful voter turnout campaign with MoveOn.org. In the last four years, we have worked with some of the leading independent organizations in this to further progressive issues and build grassroots activism. Now, with a new administration in office, we are working to hold our politicians accountable.
Grassroots Campaigns Inc. Various Groups – American Civil Liberties Union – Amnesty International – Save the Children – Planned Parenthood Action Fund – League of Conservation Voters – Sierra Club – Democratic National Committee – Moveon.org