MECH300H Introduction to Finite Element Methods Lecture 9 Finite Element Analysis of 2-D Problems – Axi- symmetric Problems
Axi-symmetric Problems Definition: A problem in which geometry, loadings, boundary conditions and materials are symmetric about one axis. Examples:
Axi-symmetric Analysis Cylindrical coordinates: quantities depend on r and z only 3-D problem 2-D problem
Axi-symmetric Analysis
Axi-symmetric Analysis – Single-Variable Problem Weak form: where
Finite Element Model – Single-Variable Problem Ritz method: where Weak form where
Single-Variable Problem – Heat Transfer Heat Transfer: Weak form where
3-Node Axi-symmetric Element 1 2 3
4-Node Axi-symmetric Element a b r z
Single-Variable Problem – Example Step 1: Discretization Step 2: Element equation