PALM-3000 Optical Bench Update Jenny Roberts Optical Bench Team: C. Baranec, A. Bouchez, K. Bui, R. Burruss Team Meeting #15 10/29/2009
PALM-3000 Opto-mech Work Since last October, we have: –Completed the optical bench requirements –Completed the optical design for PALM3000 –Passed PDR –Completed the majority of the mechanical components –Procured most of the required optics –Completed acceptance testing of the 3388-DM at Xinetics –Laid out the I&T testbed at Caltech
PALM-3000 P3k Layout
PALM-3000 Bench Mechanics Newport mirror mounts with 6” mirror FM1 FM2 Optical mounts have been designed and manufactured OAP mounts and the bench enclosure still need to designed
PALM-3000 HOWFS Mechanics Direction of adjustment of mirror Direction of adjustment Of mirror Newport XYZ stage HOWFS mechanical components are complete, including a cover not shown here Adjustable Field Stop Assembly
PALM-3000 DM3368 (HODM) DM is behind schedule with a current delivery expected in Nov 09 The P3k DM team spent 3 weeks at Xinetics integrating the driver electronics, cabling and mirror for the 3388-actuator DM system. Mirror Results –We verified that all the actuators are connected and respond to bias voltage –We can actively control 3128 out of 3388 actuators and all of those respond to commands as expected* –The full stroke is between 1um and 1.4um which meets our requirements –The mirror surface had significant wavefront error (more than 2um P- V surface)
PALM-3000 Repolish Status To remedy the large static surface errors, we decided to have Xinetics repolish the mirror before shipping it to us. The measured data still show the dimples but they are smaller by an order of magnitude Changes in humidity are a concern because they will cause the dimples to change
PALM-3000 Expected Surface at Bias After Rework Repolishing was done in an unpowered state, so any error that is induced by bringing the mirror to bias will be present after repolishing as well This surface is within the control range of the actuators Predicted control using measured influence functions
PALM-3000 Schedule November –Testing HOWFS –Testing DM December –Testing HOWFS and DM in the testbed January –Testing HOWFS and DM with RTC February –Closed-loop control with RTC in testbed