Single & Dihadron Suppression at RHIC and LHC Xin-Nian Wang Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Last call for prediction for LHC, CERN, May 29-June 2,2007 Collaborators: J. Owens, E. Wang, Z. Zhang, Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, (2007) [nucl-th/ ]
Outline Jet quenching in twist expansion framework Single and dihadron suppression at RHIC and LHC A roadmap for jet study at LHC
Jet Quenching in A+A Collisions hadrons q q leading particle leading particle N-N collision hadrons q q Leading particle suppressed leading particle suppressed A-A collision
Alphabets of jet quenching Gyulassy-Levai-Vitev (GLV) –(Djordjevic, Wicks, Horowitz, …) Armesto-Salgado-Wiedeman (ASW) –(Dainess et al, Arleo, Renk, Eskola, …) Arnold-Moore-Yaffe (AMY) High-Twist Expansion (THE)(XNW, Guo, Majumder, Osborne, Owens, E. Wang, B. Zhang, H. Zhang,…) Comparative study of jet quenching schemes; A. Majumder QM06 (nucl-th/ )
Jet Quenching in High-Twist Expansion
Gluon distribution of the medium
p T broadening and gluon distribution k=E p q
Elastic Energy Loss + + +….
Elastic vs. Radiative Energy Loss For E=10 GeV, T=0.2 GeV, L=6 fm, s =0.3
Quark-quark Scattering arXiv: [hep-ph] Schafer, XNW and B.Zhang, Gluon –parton scattering Coupled equation for modified fragmentation functions for Quarks and gluons
NLO pQCD Calculation 1-D expanding Energy loss parameter Transport coefficient Geometry: Hard Sphere: Good approximation to Wood-Saxon
Single and Dihadron hadron suppression at RHIC z T =p T ass /p T trig
Sensitivity to initial density
Surface emission?
Surface vs. Volume
Multiplicity at LHC 2dN/d part
Parton Shadowing at LHC
Single hadron suppression at LHC
Dihadron suppression at LHC
A roadmap for jet study at LHC Re-constructed jets open up a whole new world for jet quenching study (I always believe what my experimental colleagues tell me) Reconstructed jets: (1)Single inclusive jets (2)Di-jets (3)Gamma-jets
(1) Measurements of jet shape R AA (E T ) for jets: 1 Jet cone size R R AA For single hadrons
(2) Direct measurement of qhat J. Casalderrey-Solana and XNW, arXiv: [hep-ph]. Majumder, Muller and XNW, arXiv:hep-ph/
q-hat in a nucleus e-e- E. Wang & XNW PRL 89, (2002)
(3) Modified fragmentation functions XNW, Huang and Sarcevic, Phys.Rev. Lett. 77, 231 (1996)