Recruitment & Retention Keepin’ It Fresh! November 18, 2010 SPECIAL DIABETES PROGRAM FOR INDIANS Healthy Heart Project Initiative: Year 1 Meeting 1
SPECIAL DIABETES PROGRAM FOR INDIANS Healthy Heart Project Initiative: Year 1 Meeting 1 Recruitment & Retention (R&R) Panel – Keepin’ It Fresh! Sharing Innovative Strategies for Ongoing Recruitment and Retention Activities Ramah Navajo School Board, Inc. – New Mexico Louise Ingraham, MS, RD – Clinical Coordinator St. Regis Mohawk Health Services – New York Janine Rourke, RN, BSN, CDE – Project Director/Coordinator Yakama Indian Health Center – Washington Robin John, RPH, CDE – Lead Case Manager/Project Coordinator
SPECIAL DIABETES PROGRAM FOR INDIANS Healthy Heart Project Initiative: Year 1 Meeting 1 Recruitment & Retention (R&R) – Keepin’ It Fresh! Activity Write on 5x8” index card in binder: List your top 3 Recruitment & Retention strategies/ activities Describe your biggest R&R lesson learned List any questions or comments about Recruitment & Retention
SPECIAL DIABETES PROGRAM FOR INDIANS Healthy Heart Project Initiative: Year 1 Meeting 1 Recruitment & Retention (R&R) – Keepin’ It Fresh! Activity Share the information on your cards with your group Identify the top 5 strategies for keeping R&R fresh moving forward List on flip chart paper Choose a spokesperson to report out to the room Collect 5x8 cards