EDCI 306 Thematic and Content Pedagogy Chapter 9
Thematic and Content Pedagogy Objectives: 1) TSW understand key signatures with flats as evidenced by a music skills practice sheet and music skills assess. 2) TSW learn TI and upper DO (Kodaly) as evidenced by melodic composition assignments Classroom Management: Notes on table “Scientific Method” (Walters, 1999) Microteaching Chapter 9 (Holidays) Melodic Dictation- Ti and High Do Recorders (finish B.L.W.W.) Introduction to Guitar Group Music Integration Units – finalize lesson plans Thursday: Lesson Plans are due Thursday, April 2nd 4 measures of MD (notes filled in)
Chapter 5 Holidays: Sukkot, Shavuot p.319 Kwanzaa p. 332 Math and Fractions
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