Failure Candidate Identification for Silicon Debug 學生姓名:高子婷、林柏靜 指導教授:林榮彬.


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Presentation transcript:

Failure Candidate Identification for Silicon Debug 學生姓名:高子婷、林柏靜 指導教授:林榮彬


表一、 output values Pre-silicon simulation output valuesSilicon testing output values O1 = 1 O2 = 0 O3 = 0 O1 = 0 O2 = 1 O3 = 0

演算法 What-if analysis Static approach Dynamic approach


testcase1testcase2testcase3testcase4 candidateO1,I1,I3,W1 O1,W2,I2, W3,W5,W6,W8 W103,W132, W133,W160, W162,W164, W185,W187, W190,W191, W213,W215, W221,W223 W250,W284 W285 I1448,W11179, W11427,W13354, W13464,W14830, W14841,W15809, W15813,W15820, W16448,W16449, W16453,W16464, W17159,W17160, W17167,W17821, W17822,W17827, W17828,W17829, W18541,W18549, W19071,W19072, W19073,W19534, W19535,W19537, W19941,W19942, W19943,W19944, W19945,W20203 Final candidateO1,I1,I3,W1 O1,W2,I2, W3,W6,W8 W103,W133 W160,W164 W190,W191 W221,W223 W11179,W13354, W14830,W15809, W15813,W16448, W16449,W16453, W17159,W17160, W17821,W17822, W18541,W19073, W19534,W19535, W19941,W19942, W19943,W20203