1 Eigenanalysis for a concentric sphere using BEM and BIEM 報告學生:高聖凱 指導教授:陳正宗終身特聘教授 時間: 2008/06/24.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Eigenanalysis for a concentric sphere using BEM and BIEM 報告學生:高聖凱 指導教授:陳正宗終身特聘教授 時間: 2008/06/24

2 Problem statement

3 3D degenerate kernels


5 Null-field Integral equation - UT

6 Dirichlet B.C. (fixed-fixed) - UT

7 Eigenvalue n n

8 Null-field Integral equation - LM

9 Dirichlet B.C. (fixed-fixed) - LM

10 Eigenvalue n n

11 Neumann B.C. (free-free) - UT

12 Eigenvalue n n

13 Conclusions There are still spurious eigenvalues by using BEM and BIEM to deal with concentric sphere problems. True eigenvalues are dependent on problems and spurious eigenvalues are dependent on methods.

14 ~Thank your kind attentions~