What do you know about Greek Mythology? 1____________________________________ ___________________________ 2____________________________________ ___________________________ 3____________________________________ ___________________________
What would you like to know? 1____________________________________ ___________________________ 2____________________________________ ___________________________ 3____________________________________ ___________________________
Do you recognize these symbols? Ajax - Greek warrior in the Trojan War, who "cleaned up" in battle; popular household cleanser. Midas - King with the golden touch, who transformed all he touched to gold; a famous muffler and brake chain of service stations. Nike - Winged goddess of Victory, who can run and fly at great speeds; a famous company that sells...well...if you haven't heard of the company Nike, welcome to our planet...:)
What is a myth? 1.____________________________________ _____________________________________ _________ 2.______________________________________ _____________________________________ _______ 3.______________________________________ _____________________________________ _______
5 primary uses for myths 1_____________________________________ __________________________ 2_____________________________________ __________________________ 3_____________________________________ __________________________ 4_____________________________________ __________________________ 5_____________________________________ __________________________
In the beginning... …was _________ (shapeless nothingness) Chaos had two children: – _________(darkness) – __________(death) “All was black, empty, silent, endless.” Mysteriously, Love was born of darkness and death.
And then... When Love was born, order and beauty began to flourish. Love created Light and Day. Earth was created. – She was the solid ground, but also a personality. The Earth bore Heaven to cover her and be a home for the gods.
The First Parents Mother Earth = _______ (Gaia) Father Heaven = _______ (Uranus) They had three kinds of children: – Three monsters with 100 hands and 50 heads – Three Cyclopes – The titans These were the first characters that had the appearance of life, although it was unlike any life known to man.
The Titans (The Elder Gods) There were many of them. ______________________________ Cronos (Saturn): Ruler of the titans ______________________________ Ocean: River that encircled the world Iapetus: Father of Prometheus, Epimetheus, and Atlas (also titans)
The Principal Gods Cronos and Rhea were parents of – Zeus (Jupiter, Jove) – Poseidon (Neptune) – Hades (Pluto) – Hera (Juno) – Hestia (Vesta) – Demeter (Ceres) Other Olympians include – Athena (Minerva) – Ares (Mars) – Hebe (Juventas) – Hephaestus (Vulcan) – Apollo (Apollo) – Artemis (Diana) – Hermes (Mercury) – Aphrodite (Venus) – Dionysus (Bacchus) – Persephone
The Olympians
Zeus Roman Name: Jupiter (also Jove) _________________ _______________ _________________ _________________ ______________
Hera Roman Name: Juno ______________ ________ Jealous protector of marriage ______________ ______________ ___________
Poseidon Roman Name: Neptune _______________ _____________ “The Earthshaker”
Hades Roman Name: Pluto ____________ ____________ _________ Kidnapped Persephone
Hestia Roman Name: Vesta _____________ ___________ Powerful Protector
Demeter Roman Name: Ceres ____________ __________ A Goddess of the Earth
Athena Roman Name: Minerva _____________ _____________ __________ Sprang from Zeus’s head
Ares Roman Name: Mars _____________ _______________ _____________ Bloodthirsty and merciless
Hephaestus Roman Name: Vulcan (Mulciber) ______________ __________ Son of Zeus and Hera Kind, unlike his brother
Apollo Roman Name: Apollo ____________ ____________ _________ Brother of Artemis
Artemis Roman Name: Diana ____________ ____________ ____________ ________ Sister to Apollo
Hermes Roman Name: Mercury _____________ ___________ Appears in more myths than any other character
Aphrodite Roman Name: Venus ____________ ____________ _________ Sprang from the ocean foam
Dionysus Roman Name: Bacchus ______________ ____________ Patron god of the Greek stage
Persephone Roman Name: Proserpina _______________ _____________ Daughter of Zeus and Demeter _______________ _______________ ____________
Hebe Roman Name: Juventas _______________ ___________ Cupbearer to the Gods Restored youth to the aged
Eros Roman Name: Cupid ______________ ____________ Son of Aphrodite and Hephaestus
Iris ______________ ____________ Messenger for Zeus and Hera Daughter of the titan Thaumus and the nymph Electra
The Muses Nine daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne __________________ ______________ Goddesses who presided over the arts and sciences “He is happy whom the muses love.” Clio, Urania, Thalia, Melpomene, Erato, Calliope, Euterpe, Terpsichore, Polyhymnia
The Fates Roman Name: Parcae, Moirae Three sisters – Clotho (“The Spinner”) – Lachesis (“The disposer of lots”) – Atropos (“The cutter”) They weave, measure, and cut the thread of life for humans.
The Satyrs __________________ _________________ “Shepherd gods” ________________ Companions of Dionysus They like to drink, dance, and chase nymphs.
The Gorgons ______________ ______________ ___________ Medusa is most well-known Their look turns men to stone.
The Centaurs ______________ ____________ Savage creatures (except Chiron) ______________ ____________