Final Presentation Members: Jayson Nakakura: Chassis Design and Fabrication Kellie Murakami: Circuitry Design and Fabrication Scott Bonilla: Algorithm Development and Programming Kendall Kogasaka: Programming Hi I’m Scott
Overview of Project Micromouse: Autonomous programmable robot designed to navigate and solve a 16x16 square maze Mouse must be less than 25cm x 25cm, but there is no height limitation
Initial Goals Find the center by solving the maze using a flood fill algorithm Don’t run into walls or get lost in the maze Don’t waste time with dead ends, loops, & spirals Speed run after initially solving the maze Compete in the mini-competition!
Overview of Structure of Design and Decisions Made Block diagram Solving and mapping algorithms Stepping Chassis sliders Sensors Original arrangment First Modification Second Modification Third Modification
Block Diagram
Original S-Turn
Modified S-Turn
45 Turn
Program Overview Flood-fill algorithm starting from destination No 180 degree turns S-turns & 45 degree turns Speed runs Searched cells Wall Input on 1 st visit only Speed up
Maze Cell Values Is there left / top / right / bottom walls? Has the cell been searched? Flood fill value All the info is in a single 16 bit int value. Set by bit operations (and, or) Get by bitwise mask and shift
Program Flow Diagram (1)
Program Flow Diagram (2)
Parts Chassis: Green 2092 Plexiglas PCB: One-sided copper Processor: Rabbit Bipolar Stepper Motors: Jameco CB Stepper Motor Drivers: ON Semiconductor MC3479 Side Sensors: Sharp GP2D120 IR Sensor A/D Converter: Maxim MAX118 Batteries: V Rechargeables Miscellaneous: 5V regulator, chip connectors, wire connectors, On/Off switch
Hardware - Chassis Front
Hardware – Chassis Side
Hardware - Chassis
Balancing Chassis What to use to keep chassis balanced Sliders? Too big Ball Casters The smallest ones would fit well (9mm tall) $20 each – YOU MUST BE CRAZY Acorn Nuts Jackpot Fits well cheap
Sensors How to mount sensors? Erector set double angle brackets Hole distances for both sensors and brackets are in metric Cheap GREEN
Sensor Placement First Sensor Arrangement
Sensor Placement Outside sensors Problems with reading side walls If too close then no value Tracking problems Horizontal center sensor Caused problems with alignment Mouse tends to drift towards detector side
Sensor Placement Second Arrangement
Sensor Placement Outside Sensors Still having problems Values Tracking Wiring Bending wire too much Wire breaking off of crimps Sensor connector hits the wall first
Sensor Placement Third Arrangement
Sensor Placement Emitters and Detectors at different levels No cross signal readings Alignment Able to read further ahead Outside sensors do not get too close Consistent Wiring Still bent Does not hit walls anymore
Additional Sensor Problems Output readings Low Output Poor Voltage in connection Fluctuating Outputs Poor Voltage out connection Loose ground Sensor connector Loose contact between sensor and its connector
Bumpers Sensors overhang the chassis Sensors hit the walls and pegs first Bumper Solution Shaved erector set pieces Takes impact off of outside sensors No more worries about sensors slamming into the walls
Accessing Batteries The battery packs are held tightly between the motors and sensors Problems accessing Many wires in the way Taking top off Tension on the connectors each time Resulting in more loose connections
Solution Addition of a hinge Hinge second plexi-glass with the erector set double angle brackets Now we have a hood (ORIGINALITY) Looks good No tension No breaking connections
Resetting Final problem before regionals Mouse resetting itself to the starting cell WHAT THE? Code? Hardware? Bad luck?
Situation We got the s turns down Now able to do long continuous runs Noticed resetting We checked the code We checked the circuit
Similarities The mouse would reset on its first run on a long path The mouse would reset on its fourth or fifth run on a short path Noticed that as mouse kept running, voltage regulator output increased Starting around 4.8V Increasing up to 5.2V
Solution Mouse runs longer Voltage regulator heats up and passes more voltage Add a heat sync to dissipate heat JACKPOT Runs until batteries die Or crashes because moving too fast Ready for regionals
Competition Held at CSU Fresno Competed against 12 other mice Placed 3 rd by searching 113 cells Didn't get to show off 45s Didn't reach the center Congratulations, Kyle!!! (2 nd place)
Outstanding Problems Broken sensor at competition Couldn't get reset code to work No way to physically switch between different algorithms Breaking connections of sensors when changing batteries
Suggestions for Further Improvement Directly hardwire sensors to PCB Write new reset code Add dipswitch to the circuit Make batteries more accesible
Thank you! Any Questions???