Infographics BMS ITL Committee Feb 1, 2012
Overview For a more detailed presentation & resources: For a more detailed presentation & resources: Log-in to Bb Log-in to Bb Contemporary Literacy Class Contemporary Literacy Class Tools Tools Infographics (some slides used with permission) Infographics (some slides used with permission)
State of the Union Word Cloud From Reuters Reuters
A Technical Examination of SOPA & PIPA From Lumin Consulting Technical Examination of SOPA & PIPATechnical Examination of SOPA & PIPA
Infographics in the Classroom Students need to analyze existing infographics before creating their own Students need to analyze existing infographics before creating their own Have students look at an infographic Have students look at an infographic de-construct it de-construct it have them re-write have them re-write reflect on strategies reflect on strategies Students collect Infographics themselves Students collect Infographics themselves list what they have in common & critique list what they have in common & critique Have them revise one and make it better Have them revise one and make it better
Teaching with Infographics Information Translation: Information Translation: Students recast infographic of their choice Students recast infographic of their choice Same info -- different form Same info -- different form Peer feedback – how does new compare w/ original Peer feedback – how does new compare w/ original Overlapping Graphics Overlapping Graphics Students locate 2 or more data visualizations of data about the same groups Students locate 2 or more data visualizations of data about the same groups E.g. well being in US: a) Gallop Survey & b) Census E.g. well being in US: a) Gallop Survey & b) CensusGallop Survey CensusGallop Survey Census
Sites to find good infographics: InfoGraphic-a-Day - An Educator's Introduction - for teachers InfoGraphic-a-Day - An Educator's Introduction - for teachers InfoGraphic-a-Day Daily Infographic - a new infographic every day Daily Infographic - a new infographic every day Daily Infographic Daily Infographic Cool Infographics Blog - Charts and graphs can communicate data; infographics turn data into information Cool Infographics Blog - Charts and graphs can communicate data; infographics turn data into information Cool Infographics Blog Cool Infographics Blog Good - Transparency Good - Transparency Transparency
Sites to find good infographics: Many Eyes: Visualizations Visualizations Information is Beautiful - Ideas, issues, knowledge, data - visualized! Information is Beautiful - Ideas, issues, knowledge, data - visualized! Information is Beautiful Information is Beautiful David McCandless' site David McCandless' site - Infographics in Education - Infographics in EducationInfographics in EducationInfographics in Education Onextrapixel: "Huge Infographics Design Resources: Overview, Principles, Tips and Examples” Onextrapixel: "Huge Infographics Design Resources: Overview, Principles, Tips and Examples” Onextrapixel
Use Thinking Routines w/Infographics See-Think-Wonder See-Think-Wonder Zoom In Zoom In Explanation Game Explanation Game Generate-Sort-Connect-Elaborate: Concept Map Generate-Sort-Connect-Elaborate: Concept Map “I used to think…now I think” “I used to think…now I think” Red Light, Yellow Light (when examining infographics made by others) Red Light, Yellow Light (when examining infographics made by others)
Student Reminders Review of important steps for students to create infographics: Review of important steps for students to create infographics: Keep it simple Keep it simple Decide on one picture Decide on one picture Decide on a consistent color scheme Decide on a consistent color scheme Research some great facts & stats Research some great facts & stats Research some great facts & stats Research some great facts & stats Validate Validate
Student Reminders Make sure the arguments hold and are relevant Make sure the arguments hold and are relevant Persuade the viewer Persuade the viewer Quickly convey the meaning behind the complex data Quickly convey the meaning behind the complex data Draw conclusions Draw conclusions Reference the facts Reference the facts
Some Free Tools to Create Wordle: Wordle:Wordle: An experiment brought to you by IBM Research and the IBM Cognos software group. This site is set up to allow the entire internet community to upload data, visualize it, and talk about their discoveries with other people. This site allow you to upload your own data or even you can use data stored already on the site. The best thing that you will like about the tool is slick and professional looking visualizations. An experiment brought to you by IBM Research and the IBM Cognos software group. This site is set up to allow the entire internet community to upload data, visualize it, and talk about their discoveries with other people. This site allow you to upload your own data or even you can use data stored already on the site. The best thing that you will like about the tool is slick and professional looking visualizations. One of the best looking tool on Internet to create and share beautiful infographics. The website offers great tools with stunning looks to create compelling storytelling visualizations that are user friendly and looks awesome. One of the best looking tool on Internet to create and share beautiful infographics. The website offers great tools with stunning looks to create compelling storytelling visualizations that are user friendly and looks awesome. From "Top 10 Free Tools To Create Visually Appealing Infographics Easily"Top 10 Free Tools To Create Visually Appealing Infographics Easily
Some Free Tools to Create Tableau: Tableau: Tableau: Tableau Public is a free application that brings data to life. Create and share interactive charts and graphs, stunning maps, live dashboards and fun applications in minutes then publish anywhere on the web. Anyone can do it, it’s that easy—and it’s free. Tableau Public is a free application that brings data to life. Create and share interactive charts and graphs, stunning maps, live dashboards and fun applications in minutes then publish anywhere on the web. Anyone can do it, it’s that easy—and it’s free. Google Public Data: Google Public Data: Google Public Data: Google Public Data: The Google Public Data Explorer makes large datasets easy to explore, visualize and communicate. As the charts and maps animate over time, the changes in the world become easier to understand. You don’t have to be a data expert to navigate between different views, make your own comparisons, and share your findings. Students, journalists, policy makers and everyone else can play with the tool to create visualizations of public data, link to them, or embed them in their own webpages. Embedded charts and links can update automatically so you’re always sharing the latest available data. The Google Public Data Explorer makes large datasets easy to explore, visualize and communicate. As the charts and maps animate over time, the changes in the world become easier to understand. You don’t have to be a data expert to navigate between different views, make your own comparisons, and share your findings. Students, journalists, policy makers and everyone else can play with the tool to create visualizations of public data, link to them, or embed them in their own webpages. Embedded charts and links can update automatically so you’re always sharing the latest available data. From "Top 10 Free Tools To Create Visually Appealing Infographics Easily"Top 10 Free Tools To Create Visually Appealing Infographics Easily
Some Free Tools to Create GapMinder Desktop “With Gapminder Desktop you can show animated statistics from your own computer.” GapMinder Desktop “With Gapminder Desktop you can show animated statistics from your own computer.” GapMinder Desktop GapMinder Desktop How-To Video How-To Video How-To Video How-To Video
Some Tools to Create PowerPoint / Google Presentation PowerPoint / Google Presentation Smart Notebook Smart Notebook Markers & Paper Markers & Paper
5 Rules for Researching Infographics 5 Rules for Researching Infographics 1. Track down the original source and confirm the data 2. Make sure you’re using the most recent data available 3. Do not, ever, source information from user-generated content websites 4. 99% of the Web is just your starting point 5. Limit the number of sources you’re using
As Creative Assessment Kathy Schrock Website Kathy Schrock Website Kathy Schrock Kathy Schrock Video Video Video
Sources & Links Can be found at: /list/rhennessey/infog raphics Can be found at: /list/rhennessey/infog raphics /list/rhennessey/infog raphics /list/rhennessey/infog raphics Or Or