Education Community of Practice St. Gallen, Switzerland 24 th January 2003.


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Presentation transcript:

Education Community of Practice St. Gallen, Switzerland 24 th January 2003

Public Sector Steering Group Update Changes to PSSG membership As a result of changes at EFQM, Bill Gormley is no longer Chair of PSSG. David Thompson has replaced him. Johannes Moeller is still joint chair Based on positive feedback from the first Public Sector Family Conference, PSSG decided the conference would be held again this year in autumn 2 PSSG commissioned projects have been completed

Public Sector Survey Project Share results of survey with respondents Adaption of Model Guidelines in to Health, Education and Government (UNDERWAY) Based on the rewritten Public Sector Guidelines, consider sector specific case studies Link to research on Benchmarking Project, ensuring NPOS/NQOs are aware of website links and sharing best practice opportunities Web page as part of Public Sector pages for use by NPOs to share best practice, discussion medium – results of survey could form the basis

Link with PSSG strategy STRATEGY ACTION From survey results identify initial NPO/NQO to contact to explore requirements further NEXT STEPS Suggested NPO to visit Spain, Ireland,Italy, Turkey NQO to visit Czech Republic and Estonia Based on the outcomes of the above visits, identify appropriate organisation to invite to join PSSG

Benchmarking Project It is unnecessary for PSSG to provide additional benchmarking opportunities/ services as the research uncovered a wealth of opportunity already in existence Include the most useful benchmarking organisations on the public sector website under interesting links Include key findings from this research in the ‘Sharing best practice web page

Excellence Model refreshment project

The changes Fundamental Concepts Only headline concept to change is Public Responsibility to Corporate Social Responsibility The text describing the concepts has been refreshed to make them more vibrant, alive and understandable All concepts now have a brief strapline with a common start “Excellence is……” Quotes from CEO have been removed Training and awareness should reflect in a more visible way the concepts as a basis for the model

Criteria Definitions There are no changes to criteria headings All the definitions have been refreshed and clarified Refreshments include linking key words to the concepts as this was previously lacking

Sub - Criteria For training purposes the term “criterion parts” should be used

Leadership Some words in the existing criterion parts titles have changed whilst content has remained the same A new criterion part has been added “Leaders identify and champion organisational change”

Policy and Strategy Reduction from 5 to 4 criterion parts 2d has been removed and the guidance has been inserted into 2e, 1b and 5a NO OTHER CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE AT CRITERION PART LEVEL FOR THE REMAINING CRITERIA

Guidance Points Most changes have been made at guidance point level Significant additions include:  more visibility for Corporate Social Responsibility and sustainability issues  reporting and risk management in finance  raising the importance of marketing  additional outcomes and indicators in Criteria 9

Criteria Weightings Weightings for Criteria have remained unchanged

RADAR No change to elements and attributes Some additional text has been added to the introduction of RADAR An in depth description of scoring is not covered Unlikely that changes to the matrix itself will have a major impact on scoring

Learning Edge Conference OVERVIEW Different format to last year 8 interactive sessions, addressing each of the fundamental concepts 8 open sessions, the topics being proposed by the participants 1 plenary session with a case study presentation on the future of business excellence