Sensitivities (preliminary plots for your eyes only)


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Presentation transcript:

sensitivities (preliminary plots for your eyes only)

Working hypothesies 1.SB+BB+Megaton Water Cherenkov at Fréjus BB at    He or Ne ions stored per year. (double nominal. « relaxed duty cycle requirement to allow this » OK?) 440 Ktons fid volume, 130 km, 20% photocathode coverage SB from 3.5 GeV proton (SPLII) at 4MW 10 years band = (2%) 5% systematics on cross- sections * fiducial volume * efficiencies Combination will be shown. 2. Nufact with two baselines ( ~ e.g. Canaries 100kton +India 30 kton) Minos performance assumed muons of each sign in each direction / year. simultaneaous delivery of  band = 2% (5)% systematics on matter effect. 3. also shown is high gamma beta beam – assumptions (intensities, detector) are not verified and this band will not be shown. Only two plots will be shown. (not four)

   

ibid with nominal beta beam fluxes.