UCSB CDF Group, DOE Site visit, Jan 18, 20045 J. Incandela 1 Top Physics at CDF ++ Top Quark and New Physics with an eye toward the LHC Work completed.


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Presentation transcript:

UCSB CDF Group, DOE Site visit, Jan 18, J. Incandela 1 Top Physics at CDF ++ Top Quark and New Physics with an eye toward the LHC Work completed and in progress Top dilepton cross-section (Hill, Incandela, Mills) Ported Stuart’s Phoenix electrons to top group as a dowry Dileptons benefit the most Dilepton cross-section and events in Run I were curiosities and new data was important here UCSB (Hill and Mills) played a major role here, beyond expectations Published result based on ~ twice Run I sample – no curiosities to speak of Mills, now a seasoned veteran, leading the effort to repeat and improve the analysis with a larger data sample (factor 2.5) A new method to measure top mass (Hill, Incandela, Lamb) Critical SM parameter esp. because of top’s potential relationship to Higgs and new physics New method based on simple idea – but not simple to apply Studied application at Tevatron and LHC

UCSB CDF Group, DOE Site visit, Jan 18, J. Incandela 2 Progress and Plans Near term Complete Dilepton cross-section with ~500 pb -1 of data this year (Mills, Incandela) First measure of Top mass using new method (Hill, Incandela) A first measure of top+jets (Affolder, Incandela, Lamb) Crucial to understand as background to many LHC studies Follow up an interest in ttH Set limits on production at CDF Prepare for a search at LHC on CMS Other activities (will likely have some linkage with Campagnari and Stuart in tool development, expertise) Involved in CMS tracking group Will be crucial to be prepared to really search for new physics with multiple leptons in first weeks of running Black Holes and other extravagant aspects of gravity.... (Hill, Incandela, Koay)

UCSB CDF Group, DOE Site visit, Jan 18, J. Incandela 3 CMS Physics What we’ve done Top mass at LHC (J. Lamb)– we have now exercised the machinery More can be done for LHC study – (one student to get involved here) LPC tracking group (J.I.)– US is responsible for tracking algorithm in absence of Pixels (could be the case if running begins as scheduled) : I attend these meetings Bring experience with silicon tracking, for the moment Next two years: Two pronged attack Early running: SUSY/New physics search in multi-leptons Involves building up our effort in the CMS tracking software group with involvement of a post-doc (search underway now) + 1 student First 10 fb-1 of data: Search for Higgs in ttH channel Developed tools for such a search at Tevatron – we believe we may have a method that will be more sensitive than others Students to work directly with me and Chris Hill on this (Koay, Lamb) PRS work: Our goal would be to have top mass and ttH work in the physics TDR

UCSB CDF Group, DOE Site visit, Jan 18, J. Incandela 4 CMS Physics 2006 Onward UCSB will have 3-4 faculty on CMS Responsibilities for tracker will drop off dramatically US construction complete CERN installation underway but involves more shared effort Already in 2005 we are putting in place the best possible personnel to handle the commissioning and M&O N. Bacchetta on board now – UCSB will be involved in M&O but far from principal player here Group at CERN of 1+ faculty PDs student with 50% M&O responsibilities will be able to mount major analyses Group at UCSB will work with CERN and LPC (How this will work is being defined as we go) Fully expect to be ready for physics at CMS Early new physics search (key will be our group at CERN) Beginning to look into things like black holes as well as the standard culprits 1-2 y data to establish ttH (could have US based effort play larger role) EWK and other measurements – could be US entirely

UCSB CDF Group, DOE Site visit, Jan 18, J. Incandela 5 Squarks and Gluinos SUSY could be discovered in one good month of operation … The figure shows the q, g mass reach for various luminosities in the inclusive E T + jets channel. ~ ~

UCSB CDF Group, DOE Site visit, Jan 18, J. Incandela 6 Gluino reconstruction M. Chiorboli ~ p p b b - l  l  l ~ Event final state:  2 high p t isolated leptons OS  2 high p t b jets missing E t ~ bb g pp   0 1 ~ (26 %) (35 %) (0.2 %)    llll ~ ~ (60 %)  ll UCSB could play a significant role here…

UCSB CDF Group, DOE Site visit, Jan 18, J. Incandela 7 Ideas at September CMS Week Add top mass method to Physics TDR Do real blind search (e.g. SUSY) to develop methods to disentangle non-SM signals Existing studies appear very model dependent Translate knowledge of why jets fake leptons at CDF (e.g.  0  + coincidence) to CMS Combine w/ parallel effort on b-tagging, add to all analyses, specifically ttH as an example for TDR Black holes Signatures that do not depend on ETmiss Integration of generators (service?) Study inclusive dilepton+MET analysis a la Duke for application at LHC Phoenix muons?

UCSB CDF Group, DOE Site visit, Jan 18, J. Incandela 8 Talks Today Top Dileptons Corrinne Mills Top Mass – A new method and its application at CDF Chris Hill Top Mass – Application of a new method at the LHC Jim Lamb

UCSB CDF Group, DOE Site visit, Jan 18, J. Incandela 9 Timeline (ca. 2001)

UCSB CDF Group, DOE Site visit, Jan 18, J. Incandela 10 Timeline (ca. 2004)