Songs of Faith A brief introduction to the Psalms
Singing to the LORD What do we sing in our songs? Why do we sing it? What happens when we sing our Christian songs?
Hebrew Poetry Psalms – liturgical poems Rhythm Thought Rhyme (parallelism) Metaphor Alphabetical (22 letters)
The Psalms – Songs of Faith A collection of 5 books Ps 1 an introduction Ps 150 a praise ending Encompass the whole of life’s situations and emotions
The Psalms – Songs of Faith Hymns – adoration/praise Laments Thanksgiving Wisdom Royal Individual/corporate
The Psalms – Songs of Faith Another way of Seeing Orientation – who we are and where we are Disorientation – why? Reorientation – another way of seeing
The Psalms – Songs of Faith We learn about God We learn about ourselves We learn about the Covenant Jesus changes how we see them and use them