BIOLOGY 101 Introductions: My Background Contact Information: –Reagan Lake –Rm 454 (BS Bldg) – Office Hours: Mondays, Noon – 1PM –Unless otherwise specified
BIOLOGY 101 BIOL101 is a course designed for pre-allied health students (pre-pharmacy, pre-nursing for ex.) who need a rigorous introductory course in biology BIOL 101 is a prerequisite for: –Microbiology –Human Anatomy & Physiology BIOL101 may also serve as a general education science course for non-science majors but….
BIOLOGY 101 BIOL101 will NOT meet MAJOR requirements for the following majors: –Biological Sciences –Biochemistry & Molecular Biology –Bioinformatics & Computational Biology –Chemistry and Chemistry Education –Physics –Psychology (B.S.) –Computer science –Engineering –Environmental Science
BIOLOGY 101 This course is NOT the same as Biology 100 and taking this course will not replace your previous grade in BIOL100!
BIOLOGY 101 If you need a MAJORs course in biology, you should register for: »BIOL 141/142 There is NO lab associated with BIOL 101 so it does NOT meet the general education requirement for a lab based science course
BIOLOGY 101 –Rules & Regulations –Attendance in lecture is not mandatory but… –Eating/drinking/smoking –Arriving late/leaving early –Turn cell phones OFF –Talking/Reading the paper Administrative Issues:
BIOLOGY 101 What You’ll Need: –The Textbook Campbell Essential Biology, 4 th Edition »Use as supplement to lecture »Don’t need to bring to lecture
BIOLOGY 101 What You’ll Need: –Turning Point Response Pad Purchase at bookstore Register online via Blackboard »See instructions on course web site Bring to lecture EVERYDAY! »Use for in-class activities… »First in-class exercise will take place NEXT week
BIOLOGY 101 What You’ll Need: –The Syllabus: Outlines lecture topics –Dates are tentative Recommends readings Exam dates –NOT subject to change! –NOTE: Final Exam is Thurs. Dec 13 th 1-3pm!
BIOLOGY 101 What You’ll Need: –Course Web Site: We’ll use BLACKBOARD to post grades (ONLY) –If you are not yet registered for BIOL101and add the class, you’ll need to register YOURSELF A Course Management Tool: –Announcements –Practice Exams, Exam Keys, Problem Sets –Power Point Lecture Notes
BIOLOGY 101 What You’ll Need: –Power Point Lecture Notes: Posted night before lecture Download in either of 2 formats: »Html »Power point Serves as OUTLINE only »Not a substitute for being present IN CLASS!
BIOLOGY 101 Your Grade is Determined by Performance on Exams: »2 Highest Exam Scores 200 pts »1 Final Exam 100 pts »TOTAL POINTS 300 pts *NOTE: NO EXTRA CREDIT ASSIGNMENTS IN THIS COURSE!*
BIOLOGY 101 Lecture Exams: –Hourly Examinations: –Total of 3 –Lowest exam dropped –NO MAKEUPS »Miss an exam = dropped exam! –Final Exam: –Cannot be dropped! –NO MAKEUP »Miss the final = zero
BIOLOGY 101 Clickers –Your participation in clicker activities will be recorded over the course of the semester –You will NOT receive points for clicker activities –But participation will be used to determine your FINAL grade if you fall between two letter grades
BIOLOGY 101 Academic Misconduct: Not tolerated at any time! Includes: –Exams –In class exercises (clickers ) For university policy see: –Course syllabus or UMBC web site
HINTS FOR SUCCESS Print Out Lecture Notes Attend Every Class Take Notes Ask Questions Read Assigned Chapters Don’t Fall Behind Don’t Memorize Facts Form A Study Group Get Help (Tutoring)
CLICKER REGISTRATION Hints on Clicker Registration: –Serial # is the 6 digit code below bar code –The serial # only includes numbers 0 – 9 and letters A – F –You only need to register your pad ONCE, no matter how many classes you are using it in –There is no additional fee to register your pad for each additional class –For questions, see: