Andrew Wilkin Science / Period 8 April 4, 2002 Is there evidence of water on Mars?
This pictures proves to me that there could have once been water on Mars. It looks like it could have been a large meandering river at one time. It looks like layers have also formed. You couldn’t have a twisting canyon with layers of different sediments without the assistance of water.
Scientists say that Mars has ice. The ice is found at the poles of Mars and are made of carbon dioxide and a frozen liquid. I say that without water, it is very unlikely that there would be ice. These pictures below show that the atmosphere is cooler at the northern pole.This in turn preserves the ice shown at the right.
This picture at the right has evidence of erosion with many different veins and valleys of what seem to have been caused by water. Water seems to be the easiest to explain, but there are other possibilities that are unknown to me.
It almost looks like the wind has formed a kind of ripple effect. It also looks like water has eroded the land only leaving sections and the rest is a large flood plane.This picture proves the theory that there is or was water on Mars in the form of ice or of that saturated into the ground.
Miron Space Science Systems February 11, 2002 Bill Arnett “Mars” February 21, 2002 Work Cited “Mars Pics.”California Institute of Technology”