Music Composer Group 21
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Music composing as a career “The music industry helps to translate an artist’s vision” (quoted) Career VS Art
Basic images of this career: Unstable High-standard Small field A narrow path
Basic types: Non-commercial vs. commercial Non-commercial concert world -serious contemporary pieces Commercial
Profile of a composer: Flexible working hours Independent Unstable income
Entry requirement Personal qualities required: Interest Passion
Entry requirement Personal qualities required Introvert (opposite of outgoing) Creativity Inspiration
Entry requirement Personal qualities required Gift from God or Talent Able to present your idea in music Confidence Punctual Personal taste
Entry requirement Skills knowing at least one instrument Studied music theory Musicianship IT Sharing aesthetics Values to the audience
Entry requirement Fortune Opportunity
Training Schools (Art music) Private teachings
Source of income Commission Teaching Grants
Earning Capacity Importance of fame/reputation Higher degree of reputation, higher the commission
Career path Competitions Research on the market Networking Demo recording
Forms of employment Mainly contractual Commission based Very few staff composers Freelance
Related people for this career Other composers Performer Technicians Recording companies Mass media Audience
Job Market Demand Supply Competition
Interviewees: Least commercial to most commercial Dr H Y Chan Dr. Joshua Chan Chan-Fiona Chung (postgraduate) Samson Young (postgraduate) Edmond Tsang
Dr. H Y Chan Part-time composer Teaching in tertiary institution not easy to run, better to run outside HK Ideal vs. Reality
Dr. Joshua Chan From a performer to a composer Part-time composer Teaching in tertiary institution “Came to a crossing/crossroads” Situation in HK
Fiona Chung not yet having a clear direction trying to compose large variety of works Searching period
Samson Young Growth under Australian education Aspect-serious music A special path Networking
Edmond Tsang Commercial-orientated Main concerns Advertisement films pop songs Fortune Qualification not too essential
Using ideology of business to see music as a career Commercial music dominates in HK Fresh sharing: Composing need to help promoting of a pop singer.
Entered the commercial world Not clear at the beginning Pass a few crossroads Art-culture Fame-fortune-opportunity Reality Balance between art and commerce
Prospects Trainings Organizations Internet Local vs. Overseas Getting protection New trends Situation in Hong Kong
Conclusion Worth to study music composing Career planning: requires a practical approach Ideal vs. Reality
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