UK Funding Opportunities
Sustainable Development Funding Opportunities UK Funding Opportunities - Research Councils - Government Departments - Other funding organisations Help and advice from VRU
Remit includes: - Climate and climate change - Pollution (including waste materials) - Population ecology - Water quality Funding opportunities: - Small and standard grants - New investigator grants - Consortium grants - Fellowships (Postdoctoral and Advanced)
Strategic programmes include: - Energy - Infrastructure and environment - Innovative manufacturing Funding opportunities: - Responsive mode research grants - First grant scheme - Fellowships (postdoctoral, career acceleration and leadership) - Current call for Energy Efficiency Sandpit
Delivery plan for Environmental challenges - Population change - Education for life - Succeeding in the global economy Funding opportunities - Research grants (small, standard and large) - First grants - Fellowships (postdoctoral, and professorial)
Government Departments
Research grants of up to £250,000 Supports activities contributing to development and commercialisation of technology to reduce carbon emissions Call currently open
Environment programme - UK Biodiversity - Low Carbon Economy - Sustainable Food Systems Social Change: Enterprise and independence - Enterprising communities - Financial independence
Other Funding Bodies » Invites tenders » Has funding support programme Has national grants scheme
Help and Advice from VRU Dissemination of funding opportunities One-to-one meetings to help with applications Advice on funder rules and guidelines Proofreading of applications Examples of successful applications Financial advice Grading of new research staff Advice on ethical issues Advice on contracts and IP Contact Website