DOE SITE VISIT Thursday, January 28, 2010 Bruce A. Schumm Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics University of California, Santa Cruz BaBar.


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Presentation transcript:

DOE SITE VISIT Thursday, January 28, 2010 Bruce A. Schumm Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics University of California, Santa Cruz BaBar

January 2010 DOE Visit2 Bruce Schumm Inclusive b  s  Moving towards unblinding (end of month?) Result by end of winter With SLAC and Notre Dame Semi-inclusive b  d  Data unblinded; result by mid-Feb With Imperial College London, SLAC Time-Dependent CPV in B   0  Optimizing selection, fitting Result expected end of spring Joel Martinez thesis N.B.: Schumm solicited to write Modern Physics Letters A review on RadPen decay widths

BaBar January 2010 DOE Visit3 Bruce Schumm B/Bbar background control region BB Cont. Signal Sig. Region Major task: estimating B-Bbar backgrounds (  0, , electron , antineutron, etc.). [Below: third error is model dependence:] Prior (Run I-II) Result: (3.67 x )  (7.9%)  (9.3%)  (7.9%) Expected R I-IV Result: XXX  (3.3%)  ( 6%)  (smaller%)

BaBar January 2010 DOE Visit4 Bruce Schumm Errors: Stat.  Experimental Syst. Primary experimental result B A B AR arXiv: [hep-ex]; published in PRL Current activity: Add Run V (25% more data) Extend mass reach from 1.8 to 2.0 GeV/c 2 Re-optimize selection Results (Stat error only) 0.6 < M < 1.0 B(b  d  ) = (1.3  0.3) x < M < 2.0 B(b  d  ) = (7.9  2.0) x  4  ! Prior Result (Run I-IV)

BaBar January 2010 DOE Visit5 Bruce Schumm No evidence for non-Standard Model contribution to the decay width. * PRELIMINARY *

BaBar January 2010 DOE Visit6 Bruce Schumm Optimize selection by applying candidate selection and fitting signal + continuum toys for time- dependent CP parameter S Optimal cut on Bagged DT output yields  S =  0.66 (BELLE full-sample result:  0.65)