Orientation The HRM activity that introduces new employees to the organization and to the employees’ new tasks, superiors, and work groups
What is the purpose of an Orientation Program? l To reduce anxiety –Hazing l Reduces turnover rate l Saves time and thus money l Develops realistic expectations
Functional Aspects of Orientation l Who Does It l Orientation Goals l Orientation Program –Policies –Mentoring l Orientation Checklists l Orientation Overload l Orientation Follow-up
Employee Training
Training systematic process of altering the behavior of employees in a direction to increase organizational goals.
Precondition for effective learning l Learner readiness l Motivation of learner Learning Theory
Basic Learning Principles l Meaningfulness of Material l Reinforcement of the material –behavior modification l Transfer of Learning
Knowledge of Process The Learning Curve Time Learning High Low Learning Plateau
Other Learning Principles l Distributed Learning l Whole v. Part Learning l Practice and Repetition
Successful Trainer Traits l Knowledge of subject l Adaptability l Sincerity l Sense of Humor l Interest l Clear Instructions l Individual Assistance l Enthusiasm