Oil and Gas Safety Resources v2 09/2008 Finding Safety Resources Presentation For Ark-La-Tex STEPS Network By Houston North Area Office Open as ‘Read Only’ which will start in the ‘Slide Show’ mode and activate hyperlinks. Use arrow keys to advance to ‘Resource’ slide. Click on icons to go to an area. Orange arrows will connect to the website. If the page doesn’t show up in front it may be behind the slide show. Usually clicking the icon a second will bring it up.
Disclaimer You may be selecting links to information that is not controlled by OSHA or the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL). Those link may be opened in a new browser window. Links to websites outside of DOL, are offered for your convenience in accessing related information, but do not constitute an endorsement of the website, or its content, nor does it suggest that there are not other websites which may offer related information. DOL takes no responsibility for the views, content or accuracy of the information presented by an external website. Once you leave the DOL website, the DOL privacy policy no longer applies. This information has been developed by an OSHA Compliance Assistance Specialist and is intended to assist employers, workers, and others as they strive to improve workplace health and safety. While we attempt to thoroughly address specific topics [or hazards], it is not possible to include discussion of everything necessary to ensure a healthy and safe working environment in a presentation of this nature. Thus, this information must be understood as a tool for addressing workplace hazards, rather than an exhaustive statement of an employer’s legal obligations, which are defined by statute, regulations, and standards. Likewise, to the extent that this information references practices or procedures that may enhance health or safety, but which are not required by a statute, regulation, or standard, it cannot, and does not, create additional legal obligations. Finally, over time, OSHA may modify rules and interpretations in light of new technology, information, or circumstances; to keep apprised of such developments, or to review information on a wide range of occupational safety and health topics, you can visit OSHA’s website at
RESOURCES - OSHA Consultation Training Resources CDC/NIOSH Oil and Gas Related Associations Harwood Grant Materials Business Case for Safety (Accident Cost Calculators) Frequently Asked Questions State-Planned State Resources Disaster Preparedness OSHA Region VI 2008 E&P Safety Conference Region VI OSHA Training Institutes
OSHA OSHA Homepage OSHA Oil and Gas Homepage OSHA eTools Homepage Oil and Gas Well Drilling and Servicing eTool Safety and Health Management eTool OSHA Publications OSHA Compliance Assistance OSHA Statistics OSHA Alliance Program Products
OSHA Consultation 1/3 Alabama OSHCON Sample Safety Programs Arkansas OSHCON Sample Safety Programs Colorado OSHCON Sample Safety Programs Florida OSHCON (Safety Writer) Idaho OSHCON Sample Safety Programs
OSHA Consultation 2/3 Georgia OSHCON Training Materials Sample Safety Programs Illinois OSHCON Sample Programs, Checklists, Publications Missouri OSHCON Sample Safety Programs Montana OSHCON Sample Programs, Brochures, Checklists
OSHA Consultation 3/3 Nebraska OSHCON Ohio OSHCON One Hour Safety Presentations Training Programs and Manuals Safety Publications South Dakota OSHCON Sample Safety Programs Texas OSHCON Sample Safety Programs Publications and Training Resources
State Plan State Resources Remember that State Plan State’s run their own OSHA programs. Although they must be at least as stringent as Federal OSHA they may be different. Visit the OSHA State Plan State Webpage for additional information Two State Plan States with a lot of resources Oregon OSHA Resources Washington OSHA Resources
Organizations 1/2 American Petroleum Institute (API) Safety Publications Association of Energy Servicing Companies Safety Resources International Association of Drilling Contractors Texas Oil and Gas Association Safety Resources
Organizations 2/2 SafeLandUSA ‘Tools’ on bottom left hand side follow the ‘HSE Contractor Toolbox’ link Gulf Coast Safety Training Institute Training Resources
CDC/NIOSH Homepage Oil and Gas Resources Work Related Roadway Crashes Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards NIOSH Downloadable Videos Working with Stress Arc Flash Awareness Excavations
Harwood Grant Materials 1/2 OSHA Harwood Grant Page Associated General Contractors (AGC) Fall Protection and Focused Four Hazards NorthWest Public Power Association Wide variety of Materials Texas Engineering and Extension (TEEX) Oil and Gas Drilling and Servicing Safety WESTEC Confined Space Materials
Harwood Grant Materials 2/2 Construction Advancement Foundation Hexavalent Chromium Materials Roadway Safety Awareness Workzone The Construction Institute Excavation Safety Rochester Institute of Technology Safety and Health Management Systems
Accident Cost Calculators OSHA Business Case for Safety Website Safety Highlights OSHA Cost Calculation Worksheet OSHA Safety Pays Worksafe BC Accident Cost Calculation
Disaster Preparedness OSHA Hurricane eMatrix OSHA Flood and Tornado Recovery OSHA Emergency Preparedness/Response ReadyGov CDC/NIOSH Federal Emergency Management Agency Florida OSHCON (HurriPlanner) Institute for Business and Home Safety
R VI OSHA Training Institutes The University of Texas at Arlington Southwest Education Center - Texas Engineering Extension Service
Frequently Asked Questions How were these links selected? –The links on this CD were chosen primarily based on three criteria: Government Related, Industry Related, Non-Profit Related. Preferably there was a wide selection of free information on the sites and readily downloadable What is OSHCON? –The OSHA Consultation Services (OSHCON) is a free consultation service for small employers located in each State. The OSHCONs are primarily funded by Federal OSHA and are not related to OSHA enforcement activities With an OSHCON in every State why are only a few referenced? –Approximately half of the States are Federal OSHA States and the other half are State Planned States. State OSHAs must have standards at least as stringent as Federal OSHA but they may be different. This PPT primarily references OSHCONs in Federal OSHA States and those that had safety resources on their website. If you are operating in a State Planned State be sure to check to see what the requirements are in that State. For more information on the OSHCON Program go to:
Frequently Asked Questions What are the STEPS Networks? –The STEPS Network was originally formed in the Corpus Christi area as a collaboration between OSHA and companies involved in the oil and gas exploration and production industry to reduce injuries and illnesses. Will the PPT be updated? –The PPT may be updated periodically as additional resources are discovered or in the event a number of the links need updated. Will any other resource PPTs be developed? –A similar resource PPT is under development for the construction and residential construction industry, manufacturing, and an updated version of the previous Disaster Preparedness CD. Eventually the various industry areas will be combined into one overall PPT with industries broken out into subsections. Who should I contact with comments or questions about the PPT? –Contact Jim Shelton at regarding comments or additional resources that may be useful on an updated CD/PPT. If you find this PPT useful let us know too. Feedback will determine future