Telecom and Informatics 1 CBSE Landscape and Roadmapping Dr. Arne J. Berre SINTEF Telecom and Informatics e.mail:
Telecom and Informatics 2 The CBSEnet Roadmapping process CBSE Classification Model -Concepts -Process -Roles -Business -Product Landscape documents 1.Domain 2.Visions 3.CBSE practice 4.CBSE stds/tec 5.CBSE research, IST 6.Issues/Gaps (incl. Process, Trust) 1.Roadmap recommendations Landscape Domains -Common -Business - Finance -Telecom -COTS -Simulation -GIS -…embedded -Web services -MDA CBSE Survey -State of the practice
Telecom and Informatics 3 Landscape document structure 1.The domain. 2.The domain and CBSE visions/scenarios. 3.State of the CBSE practice and experience in 4.State of CBSE standards, technology and market 5.State of the art – results from CBSE IST research 6.Summary of Issues and gap analysis a.Issues from state of the practice b.Issues from state of the standards c.Issues from state of the technology d.Issues from state of the art - research 7.Roadmap recommendations
Telecom and Informatics 4 Application domains Avionics Business systems Geographical Info systems Embedded systems Electronic commerce Enterprise computing Finance Healthcare Real-time Manufacturing Software engineering Scientific Simulation Telecommunications Transportation Utilities Problem of COTS Components? Related technologies: Web Services, MDA, Agents,
Telecom and Informatics 5 Current Landscape documents Overview document Business Finance Telecom COTS & COTS cross domain components Geographical Information Systems Simulation …. Embedded, Real time, … Related technologies Web Services MDA
Telecom and Informatics 6 Business Landscape CBSE Practice: CBSE so far mainly on implementation and technology level, ERP, SCM, E-Business CBSE Standards/Technology: OMG, UML, MDA, Platforms, Web services, WebSphere, WebLogic,.Net, CBSE Research: IST projects: BANKSEC, COMBINE, ECO-ADM, OOSPICE, COMPONENT+, Trusted Components Initiative, Issues: Trusted components, ERP Components, Move to services, Composition, Process/Methods
Telecom and Informatics 7 Finance Landscape CBSE Practice: the acceptance of a component-based approach and the adoption of a value chain perspective in the development of financial business solutions. CBSE Standards/Technology:, EONTEC, UNIFACE, IBM WBC CBSE Research: BANKSEC, COMPASS, Issues: Inhibitors – see next
Telecom and Informatics 8 Survey responses on inhibitors to adopt software component technology
Telecom and Informatics 9 Telecom Landscape CBSE Practice: The telecom domain has two distinctly separate internal domains; the real-time systems that are used for call handling, set-up and routing and the IT systems that are used to manage the customers. CBSE Standards/Technology: ITU, ETSI, TINA,.. OMG, W3C, IETF, Parlay (Solutions from Ericsson, IBM, …) CBSE Research: IST MODA-TEL, … Issues: Process, Handle multiple technologies, Mobility and Quality of Service, Non-functional aspects,..Reliability, Trust,
Telecom and Informatics 10 COTS & COTS cross domain components CBSE Practice: Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software components is becoming an economic and strategic necessity for many organisations, Glossary/terms, searching, changes. (See issues) CBSE Standards/Technology: Mostly horizontal (Separate market document/annex), non-standardised cross-domain components – some exceptions, OMG, OGC GIS field CBSE Research: IST ECUA, SEI, ICCBSS conferences Issues: Identification, classification and characterisation, Trust, Process and Methods, Legal issues, Cost analysis, Change management
Telecom and Informatics 11 Geographical Information Systems Landscape CBSE Practice: Component-based commercial and standard-based solutions in the market since 1997 – because of the need of large users (US DoD, CIA, Telecom/Location services) with buying power CBSE Standards/Technology: ISO/TC211, OGC OpenGIS Standard components and services since 1995 CBSE Research: IST ACE-GIS Adaption and Composition of GI Services, EC-GIS yearly workshops for IST projects Issues: Methods and tools for specification of platform independent components/services with platform specific profiles
Telecom and Informatics 12 Simulation Landscape CBSE Practice: Simulation components can replace the yet non- existing parts of a system. So it can help to test a system before the existing system is ready. The recent simulation languages provide a tool for simulation and to build simulation components CBSE Standards/Technology: HLA (High Level Architecture), Simulation Software packages CBSE Research: SIMBeans, ++ Issues: Integration with knowledge based models
Telecom and Informatics 13 Web Services vs Components CBSE Practice: Web Services, ebXML, SoA, emerging from vendors CBSE Standards/Technology: Too many (?), W3C, OASIS, WS-I, OMG, … CBSE Research: IST projects on services/CBSE – COMBINE, ACE- GIS, ADAPT, ONTOWeb Issues: To build further from CBSE, Process, Trust, Identification, selection, dynamic binding, workflow/choreography, Services vs Components
Telecom and Informatics 14 Overview/Summary: Domain commonalities and differences CBSE Practice: Use of CBSE is increasing – from a technology/implementation starting point CBSE Standards/Technology: OMG. CBSE Research: Numerous IST projects + National, USA, Australia, Japan Issues: Specification/MDA, Architecture/Services, Composition/Adaptability, Verification and testing, Non- functional aspects/QoS, Management, Process, Trust, ….
Telecom and Informatics 15 CEC IST Projects-2002 Architecture/ Design/ Modelling Architecture/ Design/ Modelling Process Selection (Quality/ Trust/…) Selection (Quality/ Trust/…) Testing/ Validation/ Verification Testing/ Validation/ Verification BANKSEC UML Extensions (RTSE, QoS, EDOC, …) UML Extensions (RTSE, QoS, EDOC, …) COMPONENT+ PECOS CARTS WOODDES AGEDIS NEPTUNE OOSPICE QCCS ECO-ADM COMBINE CLARIFI ECUA DISCOMP Component Factory/ Repository Component Factory/ Repository * *
Telecom and Informatics 16 Issues and Visions on Process and Trust Component Process – visions and issues (Gerald Kotonya) Trust issues in CBSE CBSE and Dependable systems (Iva Crnkovic) Trusted Components (Kung-Kiu Lau)
Telecom and Informatics 17 Work groups – Day 1 Business / Finance (ATC, Engineering) COTS/Legacy (ESI) Other ? (SINTEF, Lancaster, SZTAKI) Issues: Domain status, Process, Trust/dependability, other
Telecom and Informatics 18 Work groups – Day 2 Requirements Engineering/ Specification Design / Architecture, MDA – Model Driven Architecture Composition and Adaptability Verification and Testing Non functional aspects, Quality of Service Management, Legal,.. More on Process, Trust/Dependability from day 1 ?