Safety Oversight for SLAC Accelerator Department Operations E. Michael Saleski Accelerator Department Safety Officer
Safety Oversight for SLAC Accelerator Department Operations ISMS program overview Project Manager role Safety Coordinator role Test Beam Approval Process Self-Assessment Programs
SLAC Integrated Safety Management System Defined in ‘SLAC Safety Management System’ document (SLAC-I-720-0A00B-001) Further Defined in the ES&H Manual Chapters 1 (The SLAC ES&H Program) and 31 (Citizen Committees) (SLAC-I-720-0A29Z-001) Line Management has ultimate safety and environment responsibility at SLAC Line Management has an extensive support structure
Citizen Committees and Subject Matter Experts Radiation Safety Officer Laser Safety Officer + Chair Committee Chair Committee Chair + OHP Electrical Safety Officer Fire Marshal Crane Inspector ESH Environmental Protection Dpt ESH OSHA Experts ESH Industrial Hygienists Emergency Management Coord. Committees: (Typically 7-14 members; meet quarterly to monthly) Safety Overview Radiation Safety Non-Ionizing Radiation Safety Hazardous Experimental Equipment ALARA Electrical Safety Earthquake Safety Fire Protection Safety Hoisting and Rigging Safety Environmental Safety
Individuals with Specific Responsibilities University Technical Representatives - subcontractor oversight Building Managers - safety and changes to facilities Project Managers Area Managers/Area Physicists Safety Coordinators
Project Managers Have safety and environment responsibility for their projects Are responsible for identifying where modifications may impact the approved operating parameters of the facility For ‘Major Modifications,’ work with Safety Overview Committee (SOC) as defined in SLAC Guidelines for Operations ‘Safety Review of Major Modifications’ ADSO aids by monitoring daily maintenance meetings and weekly project review meetings to assist in identifying safety and environment concerns with minor modifications
Recent Example Projects Sector 10 Chicane E158 (Linac penetration shielding) Interlaced PEP/ESA running issues (BCS/pulsed DRIP magnets) SPPS Program in FFTB New PEP RF Stations Supplemental PEP shielding (IR2, IR8)
Safety (ES&H) Coordinators Can be appointed by ADs, Dept Heads, Group Leaders, Project Managers Stay informed of work processes in their area to assist in identifying ES&H concerns Keep apprised of ES&H policies Act as primary contact between the line organization and ES&H Assist workers/managers in their area to comply with ES&H policies
Accelerator Department Safety Office (ADSO) Two FTEs charged with safety oversight for operation of the accelerator Are the Accelerator Department Safety Coordinators Works the with Accelerator Operations Group to maintain safety-relevant procedures Works with Radiation Physics Department to create Beam Authorization Sheets Works with other ES&H subject matter experts for various other issues Committee Memberships: Radiation Safety, HEEC, ALARA, Electrical Safety, Operating Safety
Beam Authorization Sheets ‘Pre-Running Conditions’ dictate items to be in place or performed prior to any beam operation (such as shielding inspections, PPS and BCS checkout, BSOIC calibration) ‘Initial Checkout’ items are safety-related checkouts that require beam (typically BCS calibration), to be performed prior to physics program. ‘Running Conditions’ must be maintained during beam operation. Typically defines beam power/energy limits, active BCS requirements, administrative requirements (review of RSWCFs, PPS Interlock checks, Safety Inspection Checklists, BCS daily/weekly checks)
PEP Safety Inspection Checklist
BCS Checklist
Test Beams Small low-cost beam programs, typically initiated from outside users Coordinated by the Test Beam Coordinator in EFD, Research Division Proposal reviewed by RP, SOC Chair, Area Manager, Area Physicist; approval requirements set
Self Assessment Programs Periodic reviews of SLAC ES&H programs and procedures, as well as broad aspects of SLAC operations, are conducted at several layers of laboratory managements and by outside agencies.
SOC Self-Assessments 2004: ‘Linac’ (includes DRs, BSY, ESA) 2003: GTL, GTF, HVTF, ASTA 2002: SPEAR 2001: NLCTA 2000: PEP II 1999: ‘Linac’