What are the next steps? Final Plan – Revise rough drafts Add – Exec. Summary, Works cited, Strategic plan (12 months, 2-5, 5+ years) - MEASUREABLE Let’s review my web page – rubric, sample
Are you a TEAM PLAYER? What makes a “good team”? (Volleyball) What makes a good TEAM PLAYER? What worked well in your group? What would have made the group work better? +‘s and –’s of group work (3 for each group)
Efficient Meetings (and what else)
Four Stages of Group Development Forming Storming Norming Performing
Quotes If the two of us agree on everything, one of is completely unnecessary. Conflict can be used as rocket fuel to take you to the next level, or you can burn yourself….
Know yourself and your team “Lost at Sea”/ “Personality Test” WHY TEAMWORK?????
Quiz/ Minute Paper Reflect for one minute… Write your name at the top of the page Reply with a minimum of 3 sentences, max. ½ page.. “What was one significant thing you learned about TEAMWORK in BA 101”
Quiz If you turned in a reflections paper…just write your name for five points – self correct.
The Elevator “Pitch” Covering your bases Management Marketing Accounting/Financing The “Pitch”
Rules of the game This is competitive: You will get 5 pts. For presenting, up to five more for ”winning”. Time is 3-5 min. (at 6 minutes you will be disqualified) PPT max is 5 slides. MUST TURN IN CLASS BEFORE PRESENTATION - Please give me a copy of slides (on one or two pages) the class PRIOR to your presentation. You will judge the other teams as well.
Your Team – Everyone Presents Entire group Overview of your business In pairs determine your area of interest (management, marketing, finance, international)
Elevator Pitch (Home Plate) An "Elevator Pitch" is a concise, carefully planned, and well-practiced description about your company that your mother should be able to understand in the time it would take to ride up an elevator. Per Robert Pagliarini of SeekingCapital.com
3-5 minutes per group First Base: Introduce your team (management) Second Base: (marketing) Describe your product/service Why you are better then your competition (research: cost, quality, or product features) Third Base: How you will make money (finance) Headed for HOME!: Action statement (business card, appt, coffee?)
Thank You! “I only had one superstition. I made sure to touch all the bases when I hit a homerun.” ~ Babe Ruth
Thanks! I appreciate the effort and the learning! The business plan is tough…. Group work is tough… Business is a ______ sport. Next WEEK- Full plan due ELEVATOR PITCH - the following week Final – the following week