1 Sharing Learning Objects in Health Care - 24 th March 2009www.jorum.ac.uk Repositories and communities: how Jorum can enhance sharing Nicola Siminson.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Sharing Learning Objects in Health Care - 24 th March 2009www.jorum.ac.uk Repositories and communities: how Jorum can enhance sharing Nicola Siminson Community Enhancement Officer

2 Sharing Learning Objects in Health Care - 24 th March 2009www.jorum.ac.uk What is Jorum ? dictionary definition: a large drinking vessel or its contents “a FREE online service for staff in UK Universities and Colleges to share, reuse and repurpose electronic learning and teaching resources” JISC funded service, jointly run between the EDINA and Mimas national data centres based at the Universities of Edinburgh and Manchester

3 Sharing Learning Objects in Health Care - 24 th March 2009www.jorum.ac.uk Ovchinnikov Firm, A jorum. Hallmarked: silver 84*, marked in Russian “P. Ovchinnikov” under the emblem. Last half of 19th century Source:

4 Sharing Learning Objects in Health Care - 24 th March 2009www.jorum.ac.uk What can I contribute? single files – text documents, spreadsheets, presentations, images, video, audio, Flash animations content packages / learning objects – bundling learning resources together with metadata - content can be moved between programmes, facilitating easier delivery, reuse and sharing of materials virtual objects – Jorum can catalogue and point to resources stored elsewhere Jorum Collections Policy:

5 Sharing Learning Objects in Health Care - 24 th March 2009www.jorum.ac.uk

6 Sharing Learning Objects in Health Care - 24 th March 2009www.jorum.ac.uk Who is contributing materials? teaching staff support staff projects Who is using these materials? teaching staff, support staff and projects! – e.g. RePRODUCE have a look at our Jorum Community podcasts:

7 Sharing Learning Objects in Health Care - 24 th March 2009www.jorum.ac.uk Evidence of sharing / reuse “user evaluation has confirmed that having a wider collection of teaching materials to hand within Jorum can inspire staff to use new methods to enhance the student learning experience” Jorum External User Evaluation report (July 2007): statistics and tracking – 129 new resources uploaded in 2009 – 305 downloads during 2009

8 Sharing Learning Objects in Health Care - 24 th March 2009www.jorum.ac.uk Some drivers and benefits to sharing Access to publicly funded resources Esteem amongst colleagues Access engaging and attractive resources Save time and money Access to high-quality resources Engage with the subject community Get comments and suggestions and improve my resources Share good practice Introduce some variety / get ideas Free up time to focus on pedagogy rather than content creation

9 Sharing Learning Objects in Health Care - 24 th March 2009www.jorum.ac.uk Some barriers to sharing Not relevant for career advancement Time consuming Loss of ownership / attribution (author and/or Institution) Distortion or misuse of my materials Lack of institutional support Lack of support for creating resources Confusion over ownership/IPR – who owns it? What can I do with it? Not knowing who you are sharing with I am happy to download, but uploading is not so familiar or so obviously beneficial Technically demanding

10 Sharing Learning Objects in Health Care - 24 th March 2009www.jorum.ac.uk Jorum is changing! Jorum website refresh Jorum is moving to Open Access – timetable and licences being worked on – extending Jorum’s reach - with new open content (RePRODUCE; RLO-CETL) – need to engage content producers and mainstream educators – support for the HEFCE/Academy/JISC OER Programme Jorum Community Bay

11 Sharing Learning Objects in Health Care - 24 th March 2009www.jorum.ac.uk The new licences JorumOpen for content whose creators and owners are willing and able to share their materials for anyone to use via the web, under Creative Commons (CC) licences JorumEducationUK for content sharing where creators and owners need to restrict the availability of resources to members of UK Further and Higher Education institutions, authenticated via the Access Management Federation JorumPlus for sharing content with additional restrictions, for example where material licensed via JISC Collections or from third parties is involved; this will require institutional authorisation

12 Sharing Learning Objects in Health Care - 24 th March 2009www.jorum.ac.uk This means that… users will be able to search the whole Jorum repository via the website materials deposited under CC licences in JorumOpen can be downloaded without the need to log on – authenticated access will only be necessary where materials have been deposited with further licensing restrictions open access learning and teaching materials from UK FE and HE institutions can make a difference to the education field worldwide

13 Sharing Learning Objects in Health Care - 24 th March 2009www.jorum.ac.uk Supporting the OER Programme mediated deposit tool – to assist in gathering open content for safe keeping prior to the launch of JorumOpen – using MrCute – upload content via the Jorum website, submit metadata and select a suitable licence – Federated Access Management continued support via the Jorum website, training events and the Community Bay

14 Sharing Learning Objects in Health Care - 24 th March 2009www.jorum.ac.uk Jorum Community Bay aims to support knowledge sharing and discussion about all aspects of sharing, reuse and repurposing of learning and teaching resources using Moodle in development next stage will be to populate the Community Bay - with help and input from our community

15 Sharing Learning Objects in Health Care - 24 th March 2009www.jorum.ac.uk So how do I find out more? keep up-to-date with developments on our Jorum Update mailing list: or via our Jorum RSS News Feed: …and receive subject-specific RSS feeds when new resources are added to your subject area:

16 Sharing Learning Objects in Health Care - 24 th March 2009www.jorum.ac.uk Useful links Creative Commons licenses Jorum RePRODUCE reproduce RLO-CETL

17 Sharing Learning Objects in Health Care - 24 th March 2009www.jorum.ac.uk Contact us Nicola Siminson – Community Enhancement Officer – – phone: Jorum Helpdesk – – phone: