The California State University (CSU) GAAP Reporting Manual © 2008 KPMG LLP, the U.S. member firm of KPMG International, a Swiss cooperative. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A. KPMG and the KPMG logo are registered trademarks of KPMG International ORA CSU 2008 Audit and Reporting Timeline TaskDayDate GAAP training - LAX (KPMG)Tuesday - Wednesday May , 2008 GAAP training teleconferences for auxiliary organizations Tuesday, Thursday June 24 and 26, 2008 Campus to submit preliminary schedule of expenditures of federal awards (SEFA) via YES (TM1) ThursdayJuly 31, 2008 Chancellor's Office (CO) to provide all passdown schedules to campuses (except risk pool) WednesdayAugust 20, 2008 Campus to provide completed reporting package to KPMG (excluding risk pool and auxiliary organizations data) Monday/ Tuesday 1st day of fieldwork (September 2, 8 or 15, 2008 depending on fieldwork start date) Chancellor's Office to pass down risk pool entries to campuses TuesdaySeptember 30, 2008 Auxiliary organizations audits completed and reports submitted to Chancellor's Office and Campus GAAP coordinators (including completed GAAP Financial Reporting checklist) TuesdaySeptember 30, 2008 Campus to provide updated reporting package to KPMG (including risk pool and auxiliary organizations data) MondayOctober 6, 2008 Chancellor’s Office to provide the stand- alone proforma financial statements template (one-year and comparative presentations, including systemwide numbers) to campuses WednesdayOctober 15, 2008 Campus reporting packages due to Chancellor's Office (must be submitted by KPMG teams), including separate analytical review (Words documents) and prior period audit differences and reclassifications (Excel worksheets) ThursdayOctober 16, 2008 Chancellor’s Office reporting team to internally review campus reporting packages (v1) before KPMG review Monday - Tuesday October , 2008 Freeze date and time at point of locking and exporting to Excel (Tentative) Please submit 3 hard copies of each Auxiliary Organization’s financial statements
The California State University (CSU) GAAP Reporting Manual © 2008 KPMG LLP, the U.S. member firm of KPMG International, a Swiss cooperative. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A. KPMG and the KPMG logo are registered trademarks of KPMG International ORA CSU 2008 Audit and Reporting Timeline TaskDayDate KPMG Systemwide team to review campus reporting packages (v1) Wednesday - Thursday October , 2008 KPMG Systemwide team to provide comments to Chancellor’s Office reporting team for review and approval prior to distributing to KPMG campus teams/GAAP coordinators ThursdayOctober 23, 2008 KPMG systemwide team communicates to KPMG campus teams/GAAP coordinators via distribution of comments (cc Ben Cheng and Alice Yip at CO) FridayOctober 24, 2008 Campus and KPMG teams to clear review comments Monday - Friday October 27 – 31, 2008 Campus revised reporting packages (v2) due to Chancellor's Office (must be submitted by KPMG campus teams), including separate analytical review (Words documents) and prior period audit differences and reclassifications (Excel worksheets) FridayOctober 31, 2008 KPMG Systemwide team to review revised campus reporting packages (v2), and approve FINAL version for consolidation Monday - Tuesday November 3 - 4, 2008 KPMG campus teams to submit A-133 findings to KPMG Systemwide team (single audit summary of deficiencies document) WednesdayNovember 5, 2008 Systemwide financial statements consolidation begins WednesdayNovember 5, 2008 SCO GAAP adjusting entries due to Chancellor’s Office FridayAugust 22, 2008 Campus to provide complete draft stand-alone financial statements (including management approved MD&A) to KPMG for review MondayNovember 24, 2008 GAAP FIRMS submission due to Chancellor’s Office MondayDecember 1, 2008 Issue campus stand-alone financial statementsThursdayJanuary 15, 2009 Freeze date and time at point of locking and exporting to Excel