Green Building Certifications
Standard Development NAHB Green Home Building Guidelines Site design, preparation and development Resource efficiency Energy efficiency Water efficiency Indoor environmental quality Global impact Operation, maintenance and homeowner education The Guidelines provided a basis for national and local programs.
Standard Development Confusion and the need for a nationally recognizable standard remained. NAHB notified ANSI and partnered with the ICC. Slide st ANSI-approved green building rating system
Covers all major areas of residential construction New construction Renovations and additions Site development Multi-unit construction Slide 1-16 Cont’d… Standard Scope and Chapters
Chapter 4: Site Design and Development Chapter 5: Lot Design, Preparation, and Development Chapter 6: Resource Efficiency Chapter 7: Energy Efficiency Chapter 8: Water Efficiency Chapter 9: Indoor Environmental Quality Chapter 10: Operation, Maintenance, and Homeowner Education
Standard Scope and Chapters Bronze Silver Gold Emerald
Project Certification Project Obtains Green Certified Mark Builder Uses Green Scoring Tool to Score Project Builder Hires Accredited Verifier Verifier Schedules Rough Inspection Verifier Schedules Final Inspection Notifies NAHB Research Center
Online Green Scoring Tool
LEED-H vs NGBS Preliminary Added Construction Cost Comparison LEED-H $6,400 - $11,000 (4-6%) $8,000 - $13,800 (3-8%) $19,300 - $22,500 (10-13%) $29,800 - $38,000 (20-22%) $1,050 - $2,350 NGBS $2,000 - $3,000 (1-2%) $4,000 – $6,000 (3-4%) $11,500 - $13,600 (6-8%) $25,600 – $31,200 (17-18%) $650 - $1,250 Certified- Bronze Silver Gold Platinum- Emerald Program Cost