1 6) – Energy Policy
2 1) Efficacité énergétique de l'UE 1992 : Labelling Directive (for domestic household appliances) (grades from A to G) 2002 : EPBD Directive (Energy Performance of Buildings) => standards 2005 : Ecodesign Directive (environmental performance) 2006 : Directive Energy Services => National Action Plans 2006 : Action Plan on Energy Efficiency (85 measures) => Objective of 20% energy savings
3 2) Renewable Energies : 2001 : RES Directive to promote green electricity –Indicative target of 21% in the share of EU gross electricty consumption to be reached in 2010 (today : 15%) 2003 : Biofuels Directive (in the share of fuels sold) : –Target of 2% in 2005 – 5,75% in : Cogeneration Directive (promotion of heat and electricity)
4 RES in European Member States Source : Commission européenne 2008
5 3) RES : Energy Package (adopted in 2008) New objectives : –20% RES –10% target in transports (but not only biofuels) New RES Directive : –the same text concerns green electricity, biofuels, and heating& cooling (new) –Feed in tariff system / Guarantees of Origin –Cooperation mechanisms between MS –Sharing effort (national targets : 5,75% + partition/PNB) –Sustainable criteria for biofuels Third Liberalisation Package : –Patrimony separation or unbundling –Better integration of RES in the Market
6 Energy Package (2008) SET Plan (pilot innovative projects) Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) => Equipping power plants (funding demonstration projects) New Regulation on State Aids for Environment and Energy Support of Local Authorities (EE) : => Convenient of Mayors
7 4) Financial support for RES FP7 Technological Platforms : –Wind –Photovoltaic –Hydrogen –Nuclear –Biofuels Intelligent Energies Europe Program (EIE)
8 5) Forthcoming policy 2008 Action Plan (strategy beyond 2050) : -Infrastructures and resources of supply -External Relations -Improved oil and gas stocks and crisis -Saving Energy -Indigenous Energy reserves => Off-shore Wind Action Plan
9 Test on the Baltic Sea : Kriegers Flak
10 North sea Scheme
11 Infrastructures Strategies Reform of the TEN-E Scheme New Initiative for Sustainable Energy : Support by EIB and RDEB Support by MS Projects of connexion : -North sea Grid -Connexion Balt States – rest of Europe -Gas Action Plan (Liquid Gas; Southern Europe) -Connexions Centre and South of Europe -Energy Mediterranean Ring
13 => Energy efficiency dialogue - Dialogue with India, China, Brazil - Energy Star (USA) - Innovative Partnerships (CCS) => Coalition of Johannesburg on RES (Presided by EU with Morocco) => Fonds pour les PVD (GEEREF) : Fonds mondial pour l'Eff Eg & les EnR => Projects cdm with third countries (linked with environmental conditions) InternationalesNégociations sur l'énergie:
14 Prévisions Commission européenne 2007
15 5 – Better Knowledge & communication Of the phenomena
16 1) Communication to the public audience Changing behaviour Campaign Site web : paign/index_fr.htm
17 2) Financing reports European Environment Agency Inventaire GHG emissions Sectorial studies Coastland, Biodiversity Adaptation policies Sectorial GHG Emissions (Waste, transports) Web : JRC (Joint Research Center) Web :
18 Framework Research Program (FP) : FP5 ( ) and FP6 ( ) Exemples of projects : PRUDENCE PESETA ADAM ADAptation and Mitigation Strategies : BRANCH : Biodiversity Spatial Planning Climate Change
19 Projects from other European programms : CIRCE (FP6) Web : RESPONSE (LIFE) Web : ESPACE (INTERREG IIIB) Web : ACCRETe (CADSES) Web : SEAREG (INTERREG IIIB) Web : ASTRA (INTERREG IIIB) Web :
20 Web :
26 2) Adaptation policy 2007 : Green Book on Adaptation Based on PESETA model) 4 keys axes : National Strategies on adaptation International Development Policy Research Consultation of the civil society
27 Regional Lobbying Eurocities AER & CPMR ICLEIFEDARENEENCOREREN-RENNRG4SD Biomass Plant of Sangüesa (Navarra)