Smile, but think about it! What do you look like most of the time? Looks Like....
This is what intimacy looks like.
This is what courage looks like.
This is what ‘Good grief!’looks like.
This is what your tax dollars look like.
This is what ‘I can wait’ looks like.
This is what an air head’s car looks like.
This is what a helping hand looks like.
This is what cold looks like.
This is what a bad mood looks like.
This is what concern looks like.
This is what feeling sorry for yourself looks like.
This is what just plain tired looks like.
This is what cooperation looks like.
This is what confused looks like.
This is what angry looks like.
This is what contented looks like.
This is what happy looks like.
This is what studious looks like.
This is what disappointed looks like.
How about you? Which “looks” do you give the world to see? Which “looks” do you give the world to see? Is there anything you’d like to change? Is there anything you’d like to change? Remember that positive “looks” usually get better responses than negative “looks.” Remember that positive “looks” usually get better responses than negative “looks.”