Cross Culture in Consumer Behavior Pertemuan 23 Matakuliah: J0384 – Perilaku Konsumen Tahun: Ganjil 2007/2008
Bina Nusantara CONCEPT Culture refers to the set of values, ideas, and attitudes that are accepted by a homogeneous group of people and transmitted to the next generation. Subcultures are subgroups within a larger, or national culture with unique values, ideas, and attitudes.
Bina Nusantara Culture is the complex concept one that include knowledge, beliefs, art, low, moral, customs, and any other capabilities and habbit acquired by individuals as a member of society CONCEPT
Bina Nusantara Ownership of consumer electronics among African- Americans, Hispanics, and Asian-Americans Percent owning among.... Product VCR Answering machine Compact disk player Personal computer Camcorder Cellular telephone VCR Answering machine Compact disk player Personal computer Camcorder Cellular telephone African- Americans African- Americans 73.5% % Hispanics 73.1% % Asian- Americans Asian- Americans 89.4% %
Bina Nusantara VARIATION IN CULTURE VALUES Other oriented value : reflect the society view of the appropriate relationship between indiviudals and group Environmental Oriented Values prescribe a society relationship to its economic and technical as well as its physichal environment
Bina Nusantara HOW VALUE ORIENTATION INFLUENCE BEHAVIOR Other Oriented Value Society views between people Consumption Purchase Communication Other Oriented Value Society views With the environment Other Oriented Value Objective of the Life society
Bina Nusantara OTHER ORIENTED VALUE Individual / collective Romantic orientation Adult / child Masculine / feminine Competition/cooperation Youth / age
Bina Nusantara ENVIRONMENTAL ORIENTED VALUES Cleanliness Performance / status Traditin/ change Risk taking/Security Problem solving/fatalism Nature
Bina Nusantara SELF ORIENTED VALUES Active/passive approach Material/non material Hardwork/leisure Postphone grtaification/immediate gratification Sensual gratification/abstinence Hummorous / serious approach