--A technique for establishing a web presence with little cash outlay
All churches need a Web Presence ◦ 96% of young people use internet instead of yellow pages for information ◦ Must be up to date ◦ Must answer the questions of potential visitors Extremely low Cost Easy to use Multiple People able to do Updating
Already have a Site Don’t have a Church Website Software is as easy as a word processor Department or group leaders update their own content Can use current web server for posting documents if needed Quick and easy way to establish a professional looking web page No need for someone who can code in HTML Cost is minimal – Easy to upgrade when ready
Easy to type Easy to remember .com or.org preferred No spacers Spacers--dot “.” Is preferred over dash “-” Relevant to organization name or purpose Not always easy to find your dream name Aggressively market the name once you choose it
Many domain registration sites Cost is from $6.99 per year ◦ depending on extension ◦ availability Credit card Register in church name Registrars ◦ Godaddy.com is largest and offers free forwarding ◦ Namecheap.com offers free forwarding as well Domain Forwarding ◦ Be aware that some offer this service free and some want up to $15 per year for forwarding If you already own a web address and have an ISP and you are keeping it ◦ URL redirect is the term you’ll be using
We are using for this workshop.
At the bottom of this page You will check The box that Indicates that you Want a username And a blog.
Go to Click Login Enter Username and Password You will be directed to your Blog’s Dashboard You will control appearance and content from this page
Theme controls the “Look and Feel” of your site Themes are color based Add your own pictures and logos to make it your own Widgets are tools available for use on your site No events calendar in Wordpress. Recommend using Google Calendar Embed the link to Google Calendar into your Wordpress SiteGoogle Calendar
1.Add new page called “Welcome” This will be your “Home Page” 2.Add a second page called “Articles and Ideas”. This will be your page for current events and articles
You will set Welcome as the first page on your menu and “Articles” as number 2. All other pages will need to be numbered as well.
Make the following change to Front Page Displays Choose Static Page Front Page is “Welcome” Posts Page is “Articles” This is found in Settings under Reading:
Pictures, Video and Audio Files are added by clicking the icons above the post section of the page
Click “New Post” Type in the white block Automatically Posts to articles page Add category so articles can be listed according to interest area
This is different for every Registrar Read online instructions On Godaddy.com forwarding is an option in the setup You will forward your domain name to If you have an Internet Service Provider for your current site: You will be Redirecting your URL
Go to Establish Gmail account Click on “More” at Click on Calendars Login to google account using gmail username and password Confirm user information and time zone Your calendar is established
Click here to add events to the calendar Click here to change the sharing settings to public You can set up repeats in the “create event” dialog You can also add an event by double-clicking on the day
1. Click on Settings under “My Calendars” 2. Find Your Calendar 3. Click on Share this calendar 4. Click Make this Calendar Public and Save and yes 5. Click on Calendar Details 6. Scroll Down to Calendar Address 7. Click on HTML 8. Right click on the web address that pops up 9. Click Copy Shortcut
1. Create an “Events” page 2. Add text “Calendar of Events” 3. Highlight “Calendar of Events” and click on the chain-like icon to create a hyperlink 4. Place Cursor in the Link URL Box and press Ctrl V to paste the link you just copied 5. Target = “Open Link in New Window” 6. Click Update in the Link dialog box 7. Click Update in the right column 8. Keep all of your current events posted on your calendar
Jill Wilson Communications Coordinator Providence Presbytery ext 7