Vietnam manufacturing
Hopes for Global Recovery Take A Hit SEP.15,2011 Presenters: 杜微 李霏 杨萌 黄丽雅 郑云鹏
The global manufacturing recovery appeared to have come to a grinding halt in August, activity surveys suggested on Thursday, undermining hopes of a vigorous economic recovery in the second half of the year. Across Asia, Europe and the US, surveys of purchasing managers produced the lowest readings of manufacturing activity and orders since mid-2009, when the world economy was only crawling out of recession.
Global equity markets expressed relief that some of the figures – particularly those in the US – were not worse, but US equities were trading down by the afternoon in New York. The global purchasing managers’ index, compiled by JPMorgan, fell to 50.1 in August from 50.7 in July, indicating the manufacturing sector was again struggling to increase output, having been growing strongly at the start of the year.
Although PMIs are far from perfect indicators of the health of the manufacturing sector, the generalized malaise across developed and emerging economies in measures of output and orders suggested a weakness in underlying global demand. Similar manufacturing difficulties were evident across Asia. The two competing Chinese PMI indices notched up small increases but remained at levels far below those suggesting rapid growth.
Words and Expressions 1.manufacturing n. 制造业 adj. 制造业的 The peasant workers mainly work in the manufacturing industry. 农民工主要在制造业工作。 2.come to a grinding halt 突然停下来 Bruce charged at it, but in the middle, the car came to a grinding halt. 布鲁斯向水塘冲去,但车开到水塘当中,嘎吱一声停住。
3. crawl out of 从 … 爬出 People tried crawling out of the bus. 乘客尝试爬出车外。 4. equity n. 公平, 公正 n. 衡平法, 权益, 产 权, ( 无固定利息的 ) 股票 The equity of the referee's decision was accepted by everyone. 大家都同意裁判员的公正裁判。
5.notch up vt. 完成, 创下, 达到 The earthwork was notched up in three hours. 土方工程在三小时内就完成了。 6. vigorous adj. 精力充沛的, 有力的, 元气旺盛 的,强有力的 Old as he is, he is none the less vigorous and active. 虽然他年纪很大了,他仍然精力充沛。
Background Information Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI): 采购经理指数 含义: PMI 是一项全面的经济指标,概括了美国整体制造业 状况、就业及物价表现,是全球最受关注的经济资料之一。 简介:从国际上看, PMI 是一套月度发布的综合性的经济先 行指标体系, PMI 涵盖着生产与流通、制造业与非制造业 等领域,分为制造业 PMI 、服务业 PMI ,也有一些国家建 立了建筑业 PMI 。制造业 PMI 最早起源于美国二十世纪三 十年代,经过几十年的发展,该体系现包含新订单、产量、 雇员、供应商配送等一系列商业活动指标。 PMI 已成为监 测经济运行的及时、可靠的先行指标,得到政府、商界与 广大经济学家、预测专家的普遍认同。同时, PMI 是对亚 洲及中国出口很有预测力的一个前瞻性指标。服务业美国中国 主要特点: 1 、及时性与先导性 2 、综合性与指导性 3 、真 实性与可靠性 4 、科学性与合理性 5 、简单易行
JPMorgan (摩根大通): 公司简介:摩根大通是一间 1968 年成立的金融控股公司, 总部设于美国纽约市,是一间跨国金融服务机构,及美国 最大的银行之一,业务遍及 50 个国家。金融美国纽约银行 摩根大通是 2000 年由美国大通银行及 JP 摩根合并而成, 业务包括投资银行,个人及商业金融服务,金融交易处理, 投资管理,个人银行等。旗下有超过 9000 万名客户,包括 多间大型批发客户。投资银行金融交易 公司行政总裁: 2004 年,摩根大通收购芝加哥第一银行, 把芝加哥第一银行的行政总裁 杰米 · 戴蒙( Jamie Dimon ) 委任为营运总裁,成为现行政总裁的接班人。 国际排名: 2010 《财富》英文网发布了 2010 年《财富》 世界 500 强企业最新排名第 25 。 世界 500 强