What Happens after You Sign with Missouri Health Information Technology Assistance Center?
Federally-designated Regional Extension Center for the State of Missouri University of Missouri: Department of Health Management and Informatics Center for Health Policy Department of Family and Community Medicine Partners: Hospital Industry Data Institute (Critical Access Hospitals) Kansas City Quality Improvement Consortium Missouri Primary Care Association Missouri Telehealth Network Primaris
Vision: Assist Missouri's health care providers in using electronic health records to improve the access and quality of health services; to reduce inefficiencies and avoidable costs; and to optimize the health outcomes of Missourians
This regional extension center is funded through an award from the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, Department of Health and Human Services Award Number 90RC0039/01
5 Financial Organization Change Expense of system Uncertainty around ROI Provider and staff productivity Uncertainty about financial incentives Disruption of workflow and productivity Privacy and security concerns Maintaining patient centeredness and satisfaction Concerns about technically supporting a system Lack of necessary computer skills Finding the right EHR to suit practice needs (“usability”) Having the right IT staff in place Possibility of information overload Technical
6 Require significant support to carry out proper workflow re-design Result can be piecemeal and less effective use of EHR capabilities and fewer financial and quality benefits Substantial time spent customizing forms and redesigning workflow More time spent with patients leading to longer workdays or fewer patients during the initial period Overburdened planning and implementing without additional technical support
Priority: Primary care providers, including physicians (Internal Medicine, Family Practice, OB/GYN, Pediatrics) and other health care professionals (NP, PA) with prescribing privileges in the following settings: Small group practices (10 or fewer providers with prescriptive privileges Ambulatory clinics connected with a public or critical access hospital Community health centers and rural health clinics Other ambulatory settings that predominately serve uninsured, underinsured, and medically underserved populations 55 Critical Access and Rural Hospitals
Population - 5,874,327 Primary Care Providers Priority PCPs Priority PCPs Served Total Providers - 17,946 CAH and Rural Hospitals- 55
Team of experienced, Missouri based Health IT professionals Part of a national network designated by HHS to assist providers with modernizing their practices Direct, rapid and reliable access to a pipeline of key information on health IT and meaningful EHR use For providers who do not have a certified EHR system - We help you choose and implement one in your office For providers who already have a system - We help eligible providers meet the Medicare or Medicaid criteria for incentive payments 9
Continuing Education and Training for ALL Providers Vendor Selection and Group Purchasing Group Purchasing Vendor Selection EHR Implementation and Project Management Practice Workflow Analysis and Redesign Practice Readiness Assessment Change Management Workflow Re-Design Functional Interoperability and HIE Resources for Health Information Exchange Security Risk Analysis Help Providers Achieve “Meaningful Use”
Support just for you Subsidized assistance - $750 annual subscription fee Group EHR pricing Earn your EHR incentives
Current EHR Users New EHR Users
Indentify barriersIdentify solutions Standardize processes Analyze reports Meaningful use incentives
Site Visit & Assessment Readiness & EHR utilization Meaningful Use initial assessment ▪ Work with vendor & practice on upgrades Create practice roadmap & project plan Workflow assessment & redesign Meaningful Use subsequent assessment Track meaningful use Privacy & Security Assessment Attestation to CMS
Practice readiness assessment & workflow analysis for redesign Vendor selectionImplement EHRMeaningful use attestationMeaningful use incentives
Assessing Planning Implementing Evaluating Continuously Improving Five Phases of Successful EHR Implementation
Practice Readiness Organizational Management & Leadership Operational Technical Meaningful Use Legal Security & Privacy Legal and Regulatory
Indentify and develop project leadership Prioritize goals and objectives Redesign workflow Define technology and product requirements Investigate EHR solutions Select products based on requirements
Install Test Customize & Configure Train “Go Live” Refinement
Align performance measures to goals and objectives Measure performance Patient satisfaction Staff satisfaction Operations Meaningful Use Clinical Care & Quality Reporting Capabilities Financial Technology & Product
Monitor & Improve Patient health & satisfaction Staff productivity, satisfaction & leadership Operations & processes Regulatory & reporting requirements Financial performance Technology, product & vendor performance Indentify Best Practices
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