Motivation: Applications José Onofre Montesa Andrés Universidad Politécnica de Valencia Escuela Superior de Informática Aplicada
GpiIC-1C Motivation: Applications1 Objetivos a ver Administración por objetivos Solución de problemas en cinco pasos Programas de compromiso Círculos de calidad Como aplicar la teoría de la motivación, es decir que se puede hacer para motivar a las personas.
GpiIC-1C Motivation: Applications2 Management by objectives Based on Goal-setting theory. Participative set goals that are tangible, verifiable and measurables. Using goals to motivate people instead of control them. Four ingredients common to MBO programs: –Goals specificity –Participative decision making –Explicit time period –Performance feedback.
GpiIC-1C Motivation: Applications3 Management by objectives Objetivos generales de la organización Objetivos de la División Objetivos del Departamento Objetivos personales
GpiIC-1C Motivation: Applications4 Management by objectives Concise statement of expected accomplishments Example: –“We will provide a good maintenance” –“Errors must be take out before one month after being detected”
GpiIC-1C Motivation: Applications5 Management by objectives Based on goal setting theory, then: –Goals must be: Hard goals result in higher level of performance. Perceived as feasible. Specific goals and feedback. –Said that assigning goals frequently works just as well, But induce individuals to establish more difficult goals
GpiIC-1C Motivation: Applications6 Employee recognition programs. “Recognition can be a potent motivator” Based on the reinforcement theory, –Use of positive reinforcement when: Good job, project on time,... –You can: Congratulate (public or private), celebrate team success.
GpiIC-1C Motivation: Applications7 Employee involvement programs A participative process that uses the entire capacity of employees and is designed to encourage increased commitment to the organization’s success. decisions, autonomy, and control over their work lives. Become more motivated, committed to the organization, productive and satisfied Examples of participation –Participative management, –Representative participation –Quality circles –Employee stock ownership plans
GpiIC-1C Motivation: Applications8 Participative management A process where subordinates share a significant degree of decisions-making power with their immediate superiors Require That: –Employees: Issues in which employees must have interest. Must have ability to participate (intelligence, technical knowledge, communication skills) –Organization culture must support employee involvement.
GpiIC-1C Motivation: Applications9 Participative management Positive: –Increases de commitment to decisions, People are less likely to undermine a decision at the time of is implementation if they shared in making that decision. –Provides intrinsic rewards. –Jobs are more interesting and meaningful. Carefully –Participation has modest influence on productivity, motivation y satisfaction.
GpiIC-1C Motivation: Applications10 Representative participation Workers participate in organizational decision making though a small group of representative employees. Redistribute power within organization labor, managers, stockholders. Work councils and broad representatives,…
GpiIC-1C Motivation: Applications11 Quality circles A work group of employees who meet regularly to discuss their quality problems, investigate causes, recommend solutions and take corrective actions 8 to 10 employees and supervisors in the same area. Meets ones a week Management has the last world. Teaching participants in communication skills, quality strategies, problem analysis techniques… Productivity; ~ satisfaction
GpiIC-1C Motivation: Applications12 Quality circles Problem identification Problem selection Problem review Recommended solutions Solutions reviewed Decision
GpiIC-1C Motivation: Applications13 Employee stock ownership plans Company-established benefit plans in which employees acquire stock as part of their benefits Usually can not take physical possession of their shares satisfaction, Productivity Employees need to psychologically experience ownership... Microsoft is an example
GpiIC-1C Motivation: Applications14 Variable-Pay programs A portion of an employee’s pay is based on some individual and/or organizational measure of performance. –Price-rate plans –Bonuses –Profit sharing plans –Gainsharing. Fixed labor cost -> Variable cost Based on the expectance theory. Programas de paga variable Does variable pay work? –Yes
GpiIC-1C Motivation: Applications15 Skill-based pay plans Alternative to job title. Pay levels are base on how many skills employees have or loc many jobs they can do. Flexibility. Performance improvement and satisfaction
GpiIC-1C Motivation: Applications16 Flexible benefits Employees tailor their benefit program to meet their personal needs by picking and choosing from a menu of benefit options. –Vacation options, savings, life insurance,...