Data from the Census Bureau: Censuses, Surveys & Tools Thursday, March 18th 12:00 - 1:30 pm Jon Stiles
How much data? Lots of money spent on data collection (3 billion in 2009, up from 1.5 billion 2008, 900 million 2007) Lots more money allocated on basis of data collection (~400 Billion annually)
Roadmap for today Data collected by the Census Bureau Census Geography – blocks to nation Distribution and form of Census data Tools at Census Bureau and elsewhere
Broad Data Collections Population & Housing Census - every 10 yearsPopulation & Housing Census Economic Census - every 5 yearsEconomic Census Census of Governments - every 5 yearsCensus of Governments American Community Survey – annuallyAmerican Community Survey Many additional surveys -- both Demographic & Economic surveys Economic Indicators - each indicator is released on a specific scheduleEconomic Indicators
Roadmap for today Population & Household Surveys First Destination – the 2000 Census –Content, Collection Process, Distribution –Census Geography The 2010 Census and the American Community Survey Other Demographic Surveys –SIPP, CPS, AHS, etc..
Census 2000 Short Form and Long Form Short form Long form
Census 2000 Sampling Pattern Approximately 1 in 6 households receive a “long-form” questionaire. The proportion of questionaires which are “long-form” versus “short-form” varies by geography: In smaller or rural areas, the sampling rate is 1 in 2, In densely populated areas, the sampling rate is 1 in 8.
Census 2000 Short Form Questionnaire 7 Questions Name Name Sex Sex Age Age Relationship (to Household Head) Relationship (to Household Head) Hispanic Origin Hispanic Origin Race Race Owner/Renter Status Owner/Renter Status
Census 2000 Long Form Questionnaire 7 Core Questions PLUS Marital Status Education Language Place of Birth Citizenship Disabilities Labor Force StatusOccupation Transportation Commute Income (by Sourceand more
Census 2000 Long Form Questionnaire Selected Housing Items Mortgage StatusBuilding Type Year BuiltRooms BedroomsKitchen Plumbing FacilitiesMonthly Rent Utilities & CostTaxes, Fees Value (if Owned)and more
Distribution Formats 100% data or short-form information Redistricting Summary File Summary File 1 Summary File 2 Sample data or long-form information Summary File 3 Summary File 4 Public Use Microdata
100% Summary Files Summary File 1 (SF1) About 300 tables Counts and cross tabulations Counts for detailed race, Hispanic or Latino groups, and American Indian/Alaska Native tribes (to the tract) Tables repeat for major race groups alone, two or more races, Hispanic or Latino, White not Hispanic or Latino Geography: block, census tract
Examples of SF1 Tabulations P1 Total population (1) P3Race (71) P8Hispanic or Latino (17) P12Sex by age (5-year groupings) (49) P14Sex by age for the population under 20 (single years of age) (43) P15Households (1) P17Average household size (1)
SF2 Subject Content 36 Population tables at census tract (PCT) level 11Housing tables (HCT) at census tract (HCT)
SF2 - Subject Content –total population –132 race groups –78 American Indian and Alaska Native tribe categories –39 Hispanic or Latino groups 250 Population Groups
Some Population Subjects at the Census Tract Level: SF 2 PCT1 Total population PCT3Sex by age (single year of age) PCT4Median age by sex PCT5Sex by age (5-year groupings) PCT7Population in household PCT8Average household size PCT9Household size, household type and presence of own children
SF2 - Racial and Ethnic Groups Detailed American Indian categories Detailed Alaska Native categories Detailed Asian categories Detailed Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander categories Hispanic or Latino categories Not Hispanic or Latino categories
SF2 - Detailed Hispanic/Latino Categories Hispanic or Latino (of any race) Mexican Puerto Rican Cuban Other Hispanic or Latino Dominican Central American Costa Rican Guatemalan Honduran Nicaraguan Panamanian Salvadoran South American Argentinean Bolivian Chilean Colombian Ecuadorian Paraguayan Peruvian Uruguayan Venezuelan Spaniard All other Hispanic or Latino
SF2 - Detailed Asian Categories AsianJapanese Asian IndianKorean BangladeshiLaotian CambodianMalaysian Chinese Pakistani Chinese, except Taiwanese Sri Lankan TaiwaneseThai Filipino Vietnamese Hmong Other Asian Indonesian
SF American Indian Categories ApacheDelaware Pima BlackfeetHouma Potawatomi CherokeeIroquois Pueblo CheyenneKiowa Puget Sound Salish Chickasaw Latin American Seminole Chippewa ( Aztec, Inca, Mayan, etc.) Shoshone ChoctawLumbee Sioux Colville Menominee Tohomo O’Odham Comanche Navajo Ute CreeOsage Yakama CreekOttawa Yaqui CrowPaiute Yuman
Sample Data Summary Files Summary File tables of data Counts and cross tabulations of sample items (income, occupation, education, rent and value, vehicles available) Lowest level of geography: block group
Sample Data Summary Files Summary File 4 Tables repeated by race, Hispanic/ Latino, and American Indian and Alaska Native categories, and ancestry – 336 categories in all. Same types of tables as presented for SF3 Lowest Level of Geography is Census Tract