1 Distributed Systems – Aims The main aim of the course is to introduce fundamental concepts and techniques for distributed systems, i.e., systems in which more computers are connected in a network in order to cooperate and share resources such as files, printers and Internet access The course gives the students prerequisites to analyse, design, and implement distributed systems.
2 Distributed Systems’ - Aims The aims of the course is for the student to be able to –Describe fundamental concepts of and techniques in distributed systems –Analyze distributed systems according to desired qualities –Apply distributed systems techniques to implement distributed system designs –Compare and contrast concepts of and techniques in distributed systems with respect to their ability to fulfill desired qualities –Design distributed systems according to desired qualities by choosing among introduced concepts and techniques
3 Distributed Systems – Exam Compulsory program –There will be a number of compulsory assignments –A satisfactory result of the assignments is required in order to enroll for the exam Exam –Oral examination –Internal examiner –13 scale The exam tests only –Describe fundamental concepts of and techniques in distributed systems –Analyze distributed systems according to desired qualities –Apply distributed systems techniques to implement distributed system designs –Compare and contrast concepts of and techniques in distributed systems with respect to their ability to fulfill desired qualities –Design distributed systems according to desired qualities by choosing among introduced concepts and techniques
4 Distributed Systems’ – Exam Compulsory program –There will be a number of compulsory assignments –A satisfactory result of the assignments is required in order to enroll for the exam Exam –Oral examination with preparation –The student chooses among two types of assignments Analysis: giving an existing distributed system, analyze with respect to given requirements Design: given requirements, design a new distributed system –The student is then given preparation time to partially solve this –Internal examiner –13 scale The exam tests only –Describe fundamental concepts of and techniques in distributed systems –Analyze distributed systems according to desired qualities –Apply distributed systems techniques to implement distributed system designs –Compare and contrast concepts of and techniques in distributed systems with respect to their ability to fulfill desired qualities –Design distributed systems according to desired qualities by choosing among introduced concepts and techniques
5 Distributed Systems – Activities Lectures –3 hours/week (2+1) Excersises –3 hours/week Compulsory programme
6 Distributed Systems’ – Activities Learning cafés Problem days –8 hour day –Short problem presentations –Small student groups in learning labs –Lecturer + TAs supervise –Recap Compulsory assignments –One per problem day
7 Distributed Systems – Evaluation Qualitative questionnaire –Good and bad things about course End of course
8 Distributed Systems’ – Evaluation Evaluation per problem day
9 Too much work Exciting, looking forward to Parts of it wbill never work – doomed Parts of it worthwhile Great that we look upon teaching in a light
10 Take students seriously – and subject matter Enable students to solve real problems – educate better software engineers Very good alignment between exam form and aims (and learning activities)
11 Aims –Can this be done in seven weeks? –Too much focus on low levels of SOLO Activities –Problem days may not work student motivation Amount of work – also in planning Problems with environment –High workload wrt planning and sequencing Exam form –High workload –Students have to choose level – will they choose right?
12 New teaching and exam forms Real systems for real companies Help on research project in distributed systems Peer assessment of distributed systems
13 Is the white hat applicable in this context? Sequencing