Schedule 1. Introduction 2. Points vs vector (distance, balls, sphere) Chapter 1 3. Divide and Conquer: Algorithms for Near Neighbor Problem Handout (section)
4. Hyperplanes Chapter 2 Ray intersections Lines By linear equations By two points When does a line passing the origin Intersection of two lines Matrix and algebraic approach (two variables and two equations)
3D Ray and mirrors Planes in three dimensions By linear equations By three points When does a plane passing the origin
Hyperplanes Hypereplanes in n-dimensions Intersection of three planes Matrix and algebraic approach (three variables and equations) Hypereplanes in n-dimensions By linear equations By n points When does a hyperplane passing through the origin Intersection of n hyperplanes in n dimensions
Matrix Form What is a matrix? Matrix vector multiplication (inner product after all) Matrix form of intersection of n hyperplanes --- system of linear equations?
Column Picture: combination of vectors Find proper linear combinations of vectors Visualize hyperplane is hard, so you might eventually like the column pictures.
Repeated the questions Row pictures: n hyperplanes meets at a single points Column pictures: combines n vectors to produce another vector
Gaussian Elimination Gaussian Elimination in 2 dimensions example Pictures Pivots Multipliers Upper triangular matrix Back substitution
Two dimensions Unique solution No solution Infinitely many solutions What if the pivot is 0!!!
3D Gaussian Elimination in 3 dimensions example Pictures Pivots Multipliers Upper triangular matrix Back substitution Can be extended to any dimensions
5. Gaussian Elimination (General form) Matrix Algebra Matrix addition Scalar times a matrix Matrix multiplication (dimensions have to agree) Associative law Non commutative law
Gaussian Elimination (General form) Identity matrix Elimination matrix
Permutation Matrix
Matrix algebra (General form) All the laws (page 58 – 59)
Complexity of Matrix Multiplication cube
Block Multiplication
Strassen’s Fast Matrix Mulplication Divide and conquer
6. Inverse Matrix 7 Quiz 1 8 LU factorization Rest of chapter 2
9. Two dimensional convex Hull From the handout Convex combination
10. Algorithms for Null space 3.1 – 3.3
11. Complete Linear Solver 3.4 – 3.6
12. No class 13 Geometric Projection 4.1 – 4.2
14. Midterm 15 Least Square Algorithm
16. QR Decomposition
17-18 no classes spring break
19. Hubs and Authority Theory for Webs Hand out Understanding webs How Google works
20. Simplex and its Volume Chapter 5
21. Determinants: Matrix Representation of volume
22. Eivenvalue problem and Spectral Geometry
23. Quiz 2
24. Diagonalization
25. Quadratic Shapes Positive Definite matrices
26. Dimensional Reduction Singular value Decomposition
27. Application: Computer Graphics
28. Spherical Geometry Points on sphere Caps Stereographic Transformation
29. Geometric Transformation Chapter 7
30 Geometric Transformation
31. Triangulations and Voronoi Diagram