Technology in the Language Learning Classroom Angelika Kraemer Dennie Hoopingarner Scott Schopieray FLTA Orientation 2011
Introductions Angelika DennieScott
Warm-up task Complete the following task online at
How did we do this? Rich Internet Applications Developed by CLEAR Free tools to help use technology in language teaching Designed to make it easier to add interactivity to language classes
Why, when, how, and what kind of technology should I use? Guidelines for using technology to support language teaching: 1.Technology is a tool, not a teacher. 2.Integrate technology into your teaching; don’t separate technology from teaching. 3.Put technology into your teaching, don’t shape teaching around technology.
Technology can be used in many ways A common lesson plan format is “Presentation - Practice - Production.” –Technology can be inserted in any stage of the lesson. Input and output are necessary for language learning. –Technology can be part of both. It is common to create tasks around texts (print and media can be a “text”). –Technology can facilitate tasks at all levels (pre-, while-, post-reading framework) => Use technology to make your teaching better.
Technology is great for collaboration Students work together Teachers work together Teachers can work with students Technology can allow collaboration that is not possible without it Above all: You can access technology from anywhere
Some ideas for using technology in your class Make recordings for your students to listen to. Add a task to make it more useful. Add “speaking homework” as a regular part of your course. Have your students keep digital portfolios. Use digital writing tools for group work/projects. Assign video as homework and use class time for interactive activities.
Some ideas for using technology to extend your class Students can create a word bank for vocabulary Students can create presentations Students can create reference resources linking directly to information online
Rich Internet Applications Free, interactive tools to help use technology in language teaching Tools for speaking, listening, writing, and reading
Using RIAs
Audacity Free application for recording and editing sound Needs to be downloaded
Using Audacity Record your voice for instructions or practice Create podcasts for listening comprehension Have students create recordings and podcasts for speaking practice
Google Apps Google Docs Google Spreadsheets Google Presentations Google Calendar Excellent Overview of Google Apps
Using Google Apps Administrative work –Collectively create and edit tests and quizzes –Share your work with your supervisor –Maintain your own portfolio of teaching documents Teaching –Go “paperless” by having students turn in homework digitally –Easily give students feedback on their work via shared documents For word processing-based activities, see Claire Bradin Siskin’s webpage:
Google Apps Tutorial Visit the Tutorial Site
Google Maps Customizable, editable online maps Map, satellite, globe views Can be edited collaboratively or individually Allows for “map mashups” - useful in teaching and learning
Using Google Maps Demonstrating where places are Annotating a map of a certain place Have students collaboratively label a map Use to support individual work focusing on certain areas Have students create “tours” of a place in the target language Ask students to investigate cultural products, practices, and perspectives
Google Maps Tutorial Google Maps Tutorial Site
Jing Snap a picture of your screen Record video of onscreen action Share instantly over the web, IM, Here is an example: Instructions on how to access the final exam (
Using Jing Create videos of what’s on your computer screen in order to share it with students. Record anything that is happening on your screen, from a PowerPoint lecture, to using your course management system or other websites, to using software specific to your field. You can even use a screencast to capture portions of a video on the screen. More ideas for using Jing
Jing Tutorial More help tutorials
Group task Design two “speaking homework” activities: one for a beginning- level class, the other for an intermediate-level class. Use this picture to design your activity.
Task sharing and feedback
Thank you and enjoy your FLTA year! Feel free to us with questions Angelika: Dennie: Scott: