Africa HAS 3190
Cape Verde
Language Creole and Portuguese
Migration U.S. whaling industry Famine at home Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut 400,000
Spiritual traditions Catholic Protestant
Family Center of lives Elders Women Neighbors
Diet Katxupa (manchupa)
Illness and Death God’s will Disabled protected Active in teaching Empowering patients
Implications Parents with children Visits from parents Intimidated Adults and children Internal sadness Expressive Wakes and funerals
Traditional Medicine Curanderas or curiosas Difluxan Konta d’odju
Other issues Blood –Sleeping (Sangi durmidu) –Dead (Sangi mortu) –Bruised (Sange pezode) Living Blood (Sangi vivu)
Language 80 dialects Amharic
Migration Repressive regime (mid-1970s) Political turmoil in East Africa
Spiritual traditions Orthodox (Coptic) Muslim
Family Women/girls Large families High divorce Elders (“aunt” or “uncle”)
Diet No meat, eggs or milk (Wed or Fri) No poultry, beef or dairy before Easter Muslims and Ramadan
Attitudes Illness is a punishment Mental illness = evil spirits Spirits in individuals Healing appeases the spirits Evil Eye
Cultural courtesies Elders and hand shakes Right hand for “clean” work Muslim men and women don’t touch
Communication Patterns Doctors and bad news No middle name
Traditional medicine Newborn care Older men Fire burning –Stick heated and applied to skin Herbal remedies Prayer
Female Circumcision Genital mutilation Many believe –Defines sexual and social identity –Doesn’t allow for sexual pleasure –Promotes health
Other relevant issues Don’t understand withholding treatment News of pending death Spanking children
Language Somali Arabic
Migration Escape wars (1991) Resettlement programs
Religion Sunni Muslim
Other issues = Ethiopia Family Diet (Muslim) Cultural courtesies Traditional medicine Issues relevant to hospitalization
Bush Medicine Herbal medicine African-Caribbean culture –Fever bush –Toothache bush 70% of world’s population uses herbal medicine
Practitioner of herbal medicine Belief in ancestral spirits – calling Trainee = Twaza Ritual sacrifice
Traditional Healers Zulu, Swazi, Xhosa, Sotho, Tswana, Venda, Tsongo/Shangaan ethnic groups Holistic and symbolic form Ancestors give instructions
Guidance in Three Forms Possession Throwing bones Dreams
Possession Trance –Drumming –Dancing –Chanting Provides specific information
Throwing bones Collection of bones Ancestors control how they lie
Dreams Metaphors
Muti Plant and animal origin Powerful symbolism –Lion fat = courage Can be drunk, smoked, inhaled, used for washing, smeared, enemas or rubbed into an incision
Sangomas Far outnumber western doctors Consulted first (80%) Charlatans
South Africa
Health Care Large public sector Small private sector Primary – hi-tech Nearly 200 private hospitals Mining industry has 60 of its own District-based health system
Kwanzaa African American and Pan-African Dec 26 – Jan 1 First harvest – “matunda ya kwanza”
Kwanzaa Ingathering of people Reverence for creator Commemoration of past Recommitment to culture Celebration of Good
Seven values – Nguzo Saba Umoja (Unity) Kujichagulia (Self-determination) Ujima (Collective work and responsibility) Ujamaa (Cooperative economics) Nia (Purpose) Kuumba (Creativity) Imani (Faith)