Center for Hybrid and Embedded Software Systems Christopher Brooks Executive Director, CHESS Center for Hybrid and Embedded Software Systems UC Berkeley Based on the February, 2007 overview by Jonathan Sprinkle On behalf of, and with input from, the CHESS Directors: Tom Henzinger Edward A. Lee Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli S. Shankar Sastry Claire J. Tomlin
2 October, 2007Christopher Brooks, "CHESS Overview" 2001 National Research Council Report Embedded Everywhere “Information technology (IT) is on the verge of another revolution. Driven by the increasing capabilities and ever declining costs of computing and communications devices, IT is being embedded into a growing range of physical devices linked together through networks and will become ever more pervasive as the component technologies become smaller, faster, and cheaper... These networked systems of embedded computers... have the potential to change radically the way people interact with their environment by linking together a range of devices and sensors that will allow information to be collected, shared, and processed in unprecedented ways.... The use of [these embedded computers] throughout society could well dwarf previous milestones in the information revolution.”
3 October, 2007Christopher Brooks, "CHESS Overview" Background on Chess Founded in year National Science Foundation Funding with Partners: Vanderbilt (ISIS) University of Memphis Partners and Affiliates: Agilent Bosch RTC DGIST General Motors Hewlett-Packard Infineon Microsoft National Instruments Toyota
4 October, 2007Christopher Brooks, "CHESS Overview" Chess Leadership Board of Directors Tom Henzinger Edward A. Lee Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli S. Shankar Sastry Claire J. Tomlin Executive Director Christopher Brooks Other key faculty at Berkeley Dave Auslander Ahmad Bahai Ruzena Bajcsy Raz Bodik Karl Hedrick Kurt Keutzer George Necula Koushik Sen Sanjit Seshia Masayoshi Tomizuka Pravin Varaiya This carefully constructed team blends domain experts (for example, in automotive systems, avionics, signal and image processing, and communications) with software technologists and computer scientists.
5 October, 2007Christopher Brooks, "CHESS Overview" Cyber-Physical Systems "A cyber-physical system (CPS) integrates computing and communication capabilities with monitoring and / or control of entities in the physical world dependably, safely, securely, efficiently and in real-time.“ - S. Shankar Sastry
6 October, 2007Christopher Brooks, "CHESS Overview" Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) Activity NSF Workshop on CPS: Oct. 16 – 17, 2006, Austin CPS as part of RTSS: Dec. 3-6, 2007, Tucson Architecture and Composibility for Cyber-Physical Systems CPS Week: April 21-24, 2008: St Louis Part of RTAS, IPSN and HSCCRTASIPSNHSCC and other CPS workshops...
7 October, 2007Christopher Brooks, "CHESS Overview" Mission of Chess To provide an environment for graduate research in cyber-physical systems by developing Model-based design Tool-supported methodologies For Real-time Fault-tolerant Robust Secure Heterogeneous Distributed Software The fate of computers lacking interaction with physical processes. We are on the line to create a “new systems science” that is at once computational and physical.
8 October, 2007Christopher Brooks, "CHESS Overview" Some Applications Addressed Automotive Avionics: UAVs Networked Embedded Systems Systems Biology Automotive
9 October, 2007Christopher Brooks, "CHESS Overview" Project Approach Model-Based Design (the view from above) principled frameworks for design specification, modeling, and design manipulable (mathematical) models enabling analysis and verification enabling effective synthesis of implementations Platform-Based Design (the view from below) exposing key resource limitations hiding inessential implementation details Tools concrete realizations of design methods
10 October, 2007Christopher Brooks, "CHESS Overview" Claire J. Tomlin: Decentralized Control of a Quadrotor Aircraft Fleet to seek Information Students: Gabe Hoffmann, Maryam Kamgarpour, Robin Raffard, and Steven Waslander Planning operations for teams of aircraft Collision Avoidance, Region Surveillance Stanford Testbed of Autonomous Rotocraft for Multi-Agent Control (STARMAC) MURI with Vanderbilt, CMU, Stanford and Berkeley
11 October, 2007Christopher Brooks, "CHESS Overview" Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli: Metro II: A Next-Generation Framework for Platform-based Design CHESS Students: Abhijit Davare, Douglas Densmore, Trevor Meyerowitz, Alessandro Pinto, Guang Yang, Haibo Zeng, Qi Zhu The Metropolis framework – platform-based design methodology used to design embedded systems advocates the separation of concerns architectural platform functionality. Transform the design through clearly defined abstraction/refinement steps that culminate in a mapping, researchers can explore the system more efficiently. Metro II – Under development, extends Metropolis heterogeneous IP import, orthogonalization of performance from behavior design space exploration.
12 October, 2007Christopher Brooks, "CHESS Overview" Tom Henzinger: Games, Times, and Probabilities: Value Iteration in Verification and Control CHESS Students: Krishnendu Chatterjee, Slobodan Matic Graph Models of Systems vertices = states edges = transitions paths = behaviors Verification and control are very special (Boolean) cases of graph-based optimization problems. They can be generalized to solve questions that involve multiple players, quantitative resources, probabilistic transitions, and continuous state spaces. The theory and practice of this is still wide open a ba a b a
13 October, 2007Christopher Brooks, "CHESS Overview" S. Shankar Sastry: Control of Hybrid Systems “Embedded and autonomous software, computer vision, and computation in novel substrates such as DNA, nonlinear and adaptive control, robotic telesurgery, control of hybrid systems, embedded systems, sensor networks and biological motor control.” A. Abate, S. Amin, M. Prandini, J. Lygeros, and S. S. Sastry, "Computational approaches to reachability analysis of stochastic hybrid systems," in Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control. Proc. 10th Intl. Conf. (HSCC 2007), A. Bemporad, A. Bicchi, and G. Buttazzo, Eds., Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4416, Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag, 2007, pp ”Computational approaches to reachability analysis of stochastic hybrid systems A. D. Ames and S. S. Sastry, "Hybrid geometric reduction of hybrid systems," in Proc th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, Piscataway, NJ: IEEE Press, 2006, pp Hybrid geometric reduction of hybrid systems
14 October, 2007Christopher Brooks, "CHESS Overview" Edward A. Lee Modeling, simulation, and design of concurrent, real-time, embedded systems. Students: Dai Bui, Elaine Cheong, Thomas Huining Feng, Shanna-Shaye Forbes, Ben Lickly, Isaac Liu, Eleftherios Matsikoudis, Slobodan Matic, Hwa-yong Oh, Hiren Patel, Min Van Ly, Yang Zhao, Gang Zhou and Jia Zou Ptolemy II--Heterogeneous Concurrent Modeling and Design in Java Precision-timed (PRET) machines: reintroduces timing Real-time software: MoCs with timing and concurrency Distributed computing: Programming Temporally Integrated Distributed Embedded Systems (PTIDES) Understandable concurrency: “The Problem with Threads” Systems of systems: large scale systems: networking, grid... Abstract semantics: Domain polymorphism, behavioral type sys. Hybrid systems: Blended continuous and discrete dynamics...
15 October, 2007Christopher Brooks, "CHESS Overview" CHESS Open Source Software SKETCH 0.9.5, a sketching system based on combinatorial search, as opposed to transformations. (4/23/07) Viptos 1.0.2, a block-diagram editor and simulator for TinyOS systems. (2/9/07) Ptolemy II 6.0.2, a block diagram editor and simulator for continuous-time, hybrid and data flow systems. VisualSense, a visual editor and simulator for wireless sensor network systems and HyVisual, a block-diagram editor and simulator for continuous-time and hybrid systems. (2/04/06) CIL, a front-end for the C programming language that facilitates program analysis and transformation. (2/5/07) Ptplot 5.6, a signal plotter. (1/15/07) Ellipsoidal Toolbox 1.1, a standalone set of easy-to-use configurable MATLAB routines to perform operations with ellipsoids and hyperplanes of arbitrary dimensions. (12/10/06) Generic Modeling Environment (GME ), a configurable toolkit for creating domain-specific modeling and program synthesis environments. (12/1/06) Graph Rewriting And Transformation (GReAT 1.6.0), a component technology of GME comprised of a metamodel based graph transformation language useful for the specification and implementation of model-to- model transformations. (12/1/06) Universal Data Model (UDM 3.1.1) generates C++ API from UML class diagrams. The API can be used to read/write XML files, GME databases, etc. and is component technology for Graph Rewriting And Transformation (GReAT). (12/1/06) Metropolis consists of an infrastructure, a tool set, and design methodologies for various application domains. The infrastructure provides a mechanism such that heterogeneous components of a system can be represented uniformly and tools for formal methods can be applied naturally. (10/12/06) COSI: the COmmunication Synthesis Infrastructure The COSI project aims at providing an infrastructure to assist designer in the difficult task of interconnecting components. (3/15/06) Hierarchical Timing Language (HTL) Compiler and E-Machine – HTL is a programming language for hard real-time systems. (2/10/06) Giotto, a methodology for embedded control systems development. (10/28/04) CHIC, a modular verifier for behavioral compatibility of software and hardware component interfaces. (01/14/03)
16 October, 2007Christopher Brooks, "CHESS Overview" Center for Hybrid and Embedded Software Systems (CHESS) Summary CHESS started in 2002 with NSF funding "A cyber-physical system (CPS) integrates computing and communication capabilities with monitoring and / or control of entities in the physical world dependably, safely, securely, efficiently and in real- time.“ – S. Shankar Sastry CHESS is providing an environment for graduate research in cyber-physical systems by developing: Model-based design Tool-supported methodologies For: Real-time Fault-tolerant Robust Secure Heterogeneous Distributed Software CHESS Board of Directors: Edward A. Lee Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli S. Shankar Sastry Claire J. Tomlin Current Industrial Partners: Agilent, Bosch, DGIST, Hewlett Packard, National Instruments, and Toyota. For more information, see: