The symptoms of asthma are caused when airways narrow and become inflamed.
ALLERGIC TRIGGERS Pollens House dust mites Animal dander Mold spores (indoor and outdoor) Cockroaches
NON ALLERGIC TRIGGERS Air Pollution FumesPerfumes Household cleaning agents Insecticides Fresh paint Tobacco smoke Infection
DIAGNOSIS Doctor or nurse use a device called peak flow meter. This measures how much, how fast, air can be expelled from lungs. This gives a measure of how severely breathing is affected. If measured regularly, over time, these readings can also help reveal how well or badly the asthma is being controlled. A child can be diagnosed with asthma if he/she has inhaled something that blocks the airways. In some adults, the symptoms of asthma may be a sign of heart disease, especially if wheeziness occurs when there has never been an asthma attack in the past. Heart failure can cause congestion (excess fluid) of the lungs, and have symptoms similar to asthma.
TREATMENT Try to avoid anything that might make asthma worse, or bring on an attack. Measure peak flow regularly, especially first thing in the morning, is a useful way of monitoring the condition and checking whether any treatments are helping Measure peak flow regularly, especially first thing in the morning, is a useful way of monitoring the condition and checking whether any treatments are helping Most common way is an inhaler which delivers a measured dose of medicine. A reliever medicine opens up airways.
MANAGING ASTHMA You can control it yourself to a large degree. Plan ahead. Always have your reliever available to help yourself when you feel the symptoms coming on. Talk to your doctor and find other information to help you understand what might be causing the asthma, and how to avoid the triggers. In the year 2000, nearly 5,000 Americans died due to asthma-related problems Most common chronic illness among children and a leading cause of school absences.
MANAGING ASTHMA Minimize outdoor activities when pollen counts are high. Peak pollen times are usually between 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Keep your car windows closed when traveling Try to stay indoors when humidity is reported to be high, and on windy days when dust and pollen are blown about Take a shower after spending time outside—pollen can collect on your skin and hair Consult an allergist/immunologist, who can evaluate your history and conduct tests to find out if your asthma needs to be managed more effectively. They will help you develop an asthma action plan to manage your symptoms
EDUCATION IMPLEMENTATION OF EDUCATION PROGRAMS: A a comprehensive asthma program to identify students with asthma, coordinate their care with medical providers and develop a school asthma registry An indoor air-quality management program for 26 schools to reduce asthma triggers in the school environment Asthma training for all teachers and staff in child- development centers and posting of asthma emergency protocols in every classroom Asthma emergency care programs
SCHOOLS More incidence of asthma in schools More students using nebulizers Forty years ago boys with asthma outnumbered girls by two to one, but the latest figures suggested that the two sexes were almost equal Highest rate of teenage asthma now
SMOKING Children with asthma whose parents smoke at home are twice as likely to have asthma symptoms all year long than children of non-smokers, a new study shows. About 13 percent of parents of asthmatic children still smoke — even though second-hand smoke is known to trigger asthma attacks and symptoms in kids. The chronic condition affects one in every seven children. Substances in the air that can bring on an asthma attack include dust, pollen, pet dander, stress, cockroach droppings, mold, air pollution, exercise, cold air — and second-hand smoke.
WHO DOES IT AFFECT? All age groups As many as 20 percent of children in some low-income, black and Hispanic urban neighborhoods 6 percent to 8 percent of children generally Twelve of every 1,000 black children through age 4 visit a hospital for asthma in Michigan each year, compared with three in 1,000 white children. 5,000,000 children are affected There is no causal link between alcohol consumption during pregnancy and asthma during childhood
CURRENT FOCUS Asthma rates have been climbing the past 15 years. Estimates for direct and indirect costs of caring for patients with asthma is $12.6 billion each year.
EXERCISE The condition should not limit people's physical activities. Children with asthma are less active than their peers by around half an hour a day on average. More than 20% of the children with asthma were not reaching the goal of normal physical activity. One in five parents believe that exercise was dangerous for their child and a quarter afraid that their child would get sick if they exercised. Experts reiterate the importance of physical activity for children with asthma.
TECHNOLOGY Profile has developed a platform of delivery devices for respiratory drugs, including a novel hand-held nebuliser called ProDose Designed to automatically respond to a patients' breathing patterns to deliver a precise dose synchronised with the patient's inhalation cycle Children being monitored at home via virtual visits with case managers over the Web
WHAT SCHOOLS CAN DO Identify students' known asthma triggers and eliminate as many as possible. For example, keep animals with fur out of the classroom. Consult the students' asthma management plans for guidance. Use wood, tile or vinyl floor coverings instead of carpeting. Schedule maintenance or pest control that involves strong irritants and odors for times when students are not in the area and the area can be well ventilated. Adjust schedules for students whose asthma is worsened by pollen or cold air. A midday or indoor physical education class may allow more active participation. Help students follow their asthma management plans. These plans are designed to keep asthma under control.
ASTHMA MANAGEMENT PLAN Brief history of the student's asthma. Asthma symptoms. Information on how to contact the student's health care provider, parent/guardian. Physician and parent/guardian signature. List of factors that make the student's asthma worse. The student's personal best peak flow reading if the student uses peak flow monitoring. List of the student's asthma medications. A description of the student's treatment plan, based on symptoms or peak flow readings, including recommended actions for school personnel to help handle asthma episodes. A description of the student's treatment plan, based on symptoms or peak flow readings, including recommended actions for school personnel to help handle asthma episodes.
CHILD’S ACTION PLAN Warning signs of an asthma attack. List specific symptoms that signal your child's asthma attacks. Steps you and your child can take to manage an attack. Know ahead of time what medications you have on hand that you can use during an asthma attack. How to recognize and handle a serious attack. Know how to assess whether your child needs urgent medical care. List criteria for determining the degree of your child's breathing difficulty. When emergency care is needed and what to do. Write down the warning signs of a life-threatening asthma attack. List emergency phone numbers and the location of the nearest hospital.
RESOURCES FOR TEACHERS The Allergy and Asthma Cure: A Complete Eight-Step Nutritional Program The Allergy and Asthma Cure: A Complete Eight-Step Nutritional Program Reversing Asthma : Breathe Easier with This Revolutionary New Program Reversing Asthma : Breathe Easier with This Revolutionary New Program Asthma for Dummies Asthma for Dummies What Your Doctor May Not tell You About Children's Allergies and Asthma: Simple Steps to Help Stop Attacks and Improve Your Child's Health What Your Doctor May Not tell You About Children's Allergies and Asthma: Simple Steps to Help Stop Attacks and Improve Your Child's Health AMERICAN THORACIC SOCIETY