Popularizing Place
Space and Place space as an abstract, universal, non-cultural phenomenon place is a space to which meaning has been inscribed’ – encoding and decoding we only have place: experienced, practiced, local
Built Environment Built world and geographies as systems of sign and symbols separation of built form from other places should strike us as artificial human’s manipulation of the world began before so-called built form “landscape” is just as socially constructed and just as full of human cultural meaning as any structure
The Production of Space (and Place) physical space has no ‘reality’ without the energy that is deployed within it. – encoding spatial code cannot help us trace the genesis of a space – produced space can be decoded, can be read specific codes established at specific historical periods and varying in their effects trace the coming-into-being and disappearance of codings/decodings – social(spatial) practices
two different approaches to space/place one that emphasizes the experiential, situational, sensual, contingent aspects of space – Topophilia and sense of space/place – decoding (but also encoding) the other emphasizes the brute force of power, the structural, and the continuity of structuring principles of built environments – Social Structure, power, and the making of space/place – Encoding (but also decoding)
Space and Place Both a socio-economic project in a relationship to a geography in the physical sense A discourse or discursive project which has an impact on the imagination of geography Canada as space or place – A geographic location – Also an imagination distinguished in relation to other nations (e.g. US) – Intertextuality – horizontal and vertical
Popular Culture, Space and Place Hegemony – encoding and decoding Spatial practices and three hypothetical responses to hegemony – Acceptance of dominant hegemonic position – Negotiated response – Oppositional response De-coding, Re-coding, En-coding A revised circuit of culture for space and place