Overview Background Design Process Radical Major- Apparel Engineering Moderate Major- Human Factors Engineering Conservative Major- Design Engineering Survey Results Webpage Conclusion
Background: Who we are! Shivani Garg Alla Tolchinsky Miguel Romero Corinne Reich-Weiser Prerna Sethi
Computer Science Architecture EECS Cognitive Science Mechanical Engineering Industrial Engineering Operations Research Background: Who we are!
Project Definition & Goals Definition –To create an undergraduate experience in engineering, which prepares the student for a professional career. It will reflect the changing demands of industry, incorporating the new interests and industry experience of faculty and administration. To be successful in real world technological fields, an interdisciplinary background must be obtained; therefore, the undergraduate engineering programs should encompass these dynamic changes.
1.Define project goals – to design a major to keep pace with the demands of industry. See project definition above for more info 2. Research - spoke with friends and people in our classes to find out which majors they were interested in, and what kind of jobs they would want after graduation. Also, looked at what majors are currently offered at Berkeley; went through the course catalog 3. Brainstorm – initially, we came with a couple of ideas each, and then we sat down as a group and threw out ideas for possible majors, expanding on many and taking them in different directions. Came up with over a 100 possible majors. Team Design Process
4. Vote – we each chose 3 majors from the total list to narrow it down to the top 10 ideas. Two members of our team dropped the class 5. Focus – considered the suggestions from the feedback of our first report, discussed the majors further, combined some majors into one, and came up with our top 3 majors 6. Delegate - split up the research between group members, so each one of us became an expert on one major. Two people for 2 of the 3 majors, and 1 person for the third major. We each did in-depth research on our major and gave feedback on other majors to the other group members Team Design Process
7. Prototype - for each major, we created a schedule of classes, as well as sample 4-year plans for each major. 8. Test - created a user survey and surveyed (mostly) current Cal students about their interests, and which major they would be most interested in. Asked also about which elements they would like to add to their majors 9. Refine - based on user survey results, we narrowed it down to one top major, and improved on the details that were not clear as well as added elements to major based on user suggestions. 10. Present - create website for final major and present it to the class Team Design Process
Background: Brainstorming We gathered over 100 ideas for new majors Top 10: –Video Game Design –Animation and Motion Graphics –Project Management –Fashion Design –Roller Coaster/Amusement Park –Nanotechnology –Metallurgy/Jewelry –Human Computer Interaction/User Interface Design –Toy Design –Digital Music
Final Three Majors 1. Radical Major- Apparel Engineering 2. Moderate Major- Human Factors Engineering 3. Conservative Major- Design Engineering Background: Brainstorming
Description The technical side of apparel design –Human Factors Engineering, Materials Science, & Business –Design to fit ergonomically with the human form (while looking good ) –Design for ease of production and commercialization Prepares the graduate to successfully enter the workforce and/or choose from a variety of graduate programs –Industrial Engineering and Operations Research –Industrial Product Design –Business Administration Radical: Apparel Engineering
Constraints and Competition Schools with Similar Programs –London College of Fashion Design Technology, Product Design, Development for the Fashion Industries (Human Factors Program) –Ohio State Consumer and Textile Sciences, Textiles and Clothing, Fashion & Interiors Merchandising –Ravensbourne College of Design & Communication Fashion Lack of space in required major classes –Negotiate with department to reserve space for AE students Need funding for creation of Apparel Department –Studio space necessary for apparel design labs –Faculty needed to teach AE core lecture sections Radical: Apparel Engineering
Pros Cons Apparel Engineers will come up with practical and ergonomically safe designs. - Possibility to choose any human related design career AE’s will design affordable and well made clothing with knowledge of the technical and business side – Post graduation options include manufacturing or production careers – Able to enter industry as a manager, engineer, or artistic designer Currently no apparel or textile related courses offered at Berkeley Apparel Engineering may not be considered academic or important to the UC Berkeley engineering faculty Radical: Apparel Engineering
Opportunities Post Graduation Work in the Industry –Industrial Designer & Engineer (IDEO, Frog Design) –Fashion/Product Designer or Buyer (Bloomingdale’s, equivalent of Calvin Klein or other independent designer) –Production/Manufacturing Engineer Graduate Programs –Fashion Design –Materials Science –IEOR –MBA Radical: Apparel Engineering
Description Prepares students for a flexible career in design suitable for any service industry Prepares the graduate to successfully enter the workforce and/or choose from a variety of graduate programs –Industrial Engineering and Operations Research –Interface Design –Cognitive Science –Business Administration Moderate: Human Factors Engineering
Moderate: Human Factors Engineerin Foundation Interdisciplinary approach –human factors, business administration, computer science Provides a solid engineering background in the mathematics and science Heavily emphasizes hands-on experience –8 unit senior project -> hours/week internship in the work- force.
Opportunities Post Graduation Work in the Industry –Program Manager at Microsoft, Expedia –Experience Engineering, Inc –IDEO, Fitch, Insight Product Development –IBM Global Services Graduate Programs –Human Computer Interaction –User Interface Design –IEOR –MBA Moderate: Human Factors Engineering
Description Introduces students to computer applications and theories of design, emphasizing visual thought and creativity. Prepares students with classes including digital music, motion graphics, 3D rendering, animation, industrial design, mechanical design, and computer science Prepares students for different careers in Engineering, Architecture, Graphic Design, Art, and Industrial Design Conservative : Design Engineering
Foundation Provides a comprehensive background in computer design by allowing students to keep up to date with the latest technologies Background emphasizes hands on experience –requires an 8 unit senior project that is comprised of a hours/week internship in the work-force or field study research
Conservative : Design Engineering Description of New Courses: Design Engineering Intro to Design Engineering Survey course of design techniques and applications pertaining to Design Engineering. Included applications are CAD, Flash, 3D Studio Max. Design Engineering Design Engineers in Industry Introduction to Design Engineering professions and applications in the workforce. Various speakers from industry will come and present their backgrounds and work in design engineering field. Design Engineering Web Design Computer Programming to create advanced web sites using various graphic tools and computer applications. Techniques for good web site design: layout, presentation, content, and security.
Description of New Courses (cont’d): Design Engineering Video Game Design Focused study of video game design history and current trends. A project based course, this course will provide an opportunity to create a full fledged video game and present to professionals in video game design. Design Engineering Supervised Independent Study Part of the 8 unit/25 hour Research/Internship requirement for the DE major. DE students are required to take this class twice. Conservative : Design Engineering
Math 1A,B, 53, 54, 55 Physics 7A,B, Computer Science 61A,B,C Cognitive Science 1 Engineering 28(basic engineering design) Requirements – Lower Division Conservative : Design Engineering
Requirements – Upper Division DE Introduction to Design Engineering DE Web Design CS User Interface Design OR CS Software Engineering CS Graphics DE Supervised Independent Study (two semesters) OR an Internship for at least three months, part time, in a relevant field. All internships must be approved by faculty advisors. Conservative : Design Engineering
Electives Two from the following list: Computer Aided Design Courses –Architecture CAD: Computer Aided Design OR Mechanical Eng Computer Aided Mechanical Design –Architecture 133A,B,C - Visual Simulation (at least two) OR Civil Eng. 169C - Visual Simulation for Engineering Management –Architecture Digital Design –Architecture Computer Rendering & Animation –Engineering Advanced Design Graphics Conservative : Design Engineering
Electives Two from the following list: Design Theory Courses –Cognitive Science Cognitive Neuroscience OR Psychology Perception OR Psychology Child Development & Education –Design Engineering Industry Perspectives OR Engineering Venture Capital Design / Startup –Design Engineering Video Game Design –IEOR Industrial Production & Design –IEOR Interaction & Experience Design for Engineers –Music Music Perception/Digital Music OR Music Music Apps of Computers & Related Technology Conservative : Design Engineering
Semester 1: –Math 1A –CS 61A –CogSci 1 –Elective/ Music 23 Semester 3: –Math 53 –Physics 7B –CS 61C –Psych 126/142 Or CogSci 127 Sample Four Year Plan: Lower Division Semester 2: –Math 1B –Physics 7A –CS 61B –Elective/Engineering 28 Semester 4: –Math 54 –Math 55 –Arch 132 (CAD)/ME 128 –Elective
Semester 5: –IEOR 140 –CS 169 –Design Engineering Course –Elective/CS 160 Semester 7: –CS 184 –Arch 135 –Design Engineering 199 Semester 6: ― CE 169 ― Arch 133 ― Design Engineering Course ― Elective ― IEOR 170 Semester 8: ― Arch 138 ― E 110 ― E 128 ― DE 199 Conservative : Design Engineering Sample Four Year Plan: Lower Division
Constraints and Competition Design Schools –California College of Arts and Craft, Rhode Island School of Design, Pratt College Vocational Schools –ITT Technical Institute –Cal Tech Established majors within COE Faculty –Interest –Experience –Commitment Funding & Resources –Creating New Labs/Classrooms –Installing New Software Programs –Job Security –Industry participation Conservative : Design Engineering
Pros Cons Students are more marketable by building skills in graphic applications, digital music, animation, and video game design Students immersed in a technical and creative field Students introduced to many different applications, may not be able to master or excel in one area Potential disconnect of information Overlapping/repetitive information Students’ skepticism or lack of information
Opportunities Post Graduation Work in Industry –Animator – Dreamworks, Disney, Pixar –Video Game Designer - Sega, Sony, Microsoft –Digital Music Engineer - Music Industry –Web Designer Graduate Programs –Computer Science, Design, Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Design, Architecture Conservative : Design Engineering
Possible Changes The 8-unit/25 hour research/internship requirement for the major Create emphasis within the major in animation, video game design, web design Allow for an exchange with a design school for a semester Conservative : Design Engineering
User Survey What is your (intended) major? What year are you in school? On a scale of 1 to 10, please rate your response, with 1 being least interested, and 10 being most interested How interested would you be in a major that combines fashion and engineering How interested would you be in a major that combines psychology and engineering How interested would you be in a major that explored the principles and techniques for video game design How interested would you be in a major that combines Computer Design and Engineering How interested would you be in a major that combines Business and Engineering Are you interested in the opportunity (through school) to gain on the job experience, while earning credit towards school? If any of the above majors seem appealing to you, please provide further suggestions: what classes would you want to take; what would you do with this major post graduation; what kind of jobs would you look for? Survey Results: User Feedback
We surveyed students across all years and all majors –Engineers, Business, Architecture, CS, Cog Sci, Philosophy –High School Seniors -> Fifth Year Graduates If you could add something to your major, what would you add? –“ More practical application training, like with Flash, Access, etc…” –“Classes that tie everything together” –“More business emphasis” –“More design classes” –“More practical classes, too much theory and no practice right now” Survey Results: User Feedback
Survey Results Freshman and Incoming Freshman Sophomores and Juniors Seniors and Fifth Years
Survey Results Freshman and Incoming Freshman Sophomores and Juniors Seniors and Fifth Years
Survey Results Freshman and Incoming Freshman Sophomores and Juniors Seniors and Fifth Years
Survey Results - Summary Most popular: –Business & Engineering –Design Engineering Close second: –Interaction Engineering Rethink “Fashion” –Apparel Engineering
Lessons Learned Survey and get feedback earlier in design process in order to create majors based on information gathered In survey, ask more background information in order to understand demographics better Commitment from team members key to a successful project – lost two members early on in the semester
Design Engineering Webpage
Conclusion Our hypothesis was correct! Design Engineering was the most favored major More research and development needs to follow before implementing this major into U.C. Berkeley Any Questions??